Saturday, December 17, 2011


Did you know it is just 8 days til Christmas?!  I'm really excited!  I got mail from Grandpa and Gaga and they got me some magic shiny stuff that I get to mix with magic reign deer so me and Papa can put it on the roof so the reign deer and Santa can find my house!!!  There's lots of things I want for Christmas - like a foot massager, and walkie talkies, and a guitar, and a new game for me to play, and some tools, and candy and stuff like that.  Do you have lots of things you want for Christmas too?

I've been doing lots of things!  I helped Papa chop on the Christmas tree, I helped put up the decorations on the Christmas tree, I really liked setting up the Nativity stuff, and I liked making this snow stuff for the Christmas village Mana buyed me (she already buyed me that - it's not for Christmas).  I go with Papa when we get home from school to check for eggs.  I eat a lot of eggs now.  Some days we get 5 eggs!!  I play football in the yard with Mary too and I help pick up my things around the house.  

I had a basketball game today and I scored 4 points myself!!  It was cool.  Then you know what?  I even took a picture with my team - and I didn't cry about it either!

Last Saturday, everybody went to my Christmas program.  Did you see my pictures yet?  Mana is supposed to be down with them.  I had on my suit and I sang all my songs and I didn't cry any then either.  Papa said he's really proud of me.  I'm just getting big!!


Friday, December 2, 2011

It's Friday!

Today was a great day!  You know why?  I got picked up at carpool today!  My momma said she'd pick me up and she did.  Know what else?  I get to open a little window and eat the chocolate each morning that's in it on my calendar (Advent Chocolate Calendar) and when I eat all my chocolate - the next day is CHRISTMAS!! YAY!!!!  I got mail again today too!  Kristin and Doodle write me a letter and Kristin drawed lots of pictures for me. 

Tomorrow in the morning, I get to go with Papa to a rabbit show and Papa is going to buy another girl bunny.  The last one got sick and died.  But not my bunny though.  My bunny is doing good.

Tonight, me and Papa played with a mouse trap and I had a long stick and pretended to be the mouse that was caught in the trap.  I was careful though.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Guess what ~ I got MAIL!!

Today was a good day!  My momma took me to basketball and when I got home, guess what?!  I had two mails!!  One was a card from Annie about Turkey farts and I got this cool magazine (National Geographic for Kids) that my Grandpa and my Gaga sent me!!!  Isn't that cool?!!  The card was funny!  I looked at my magazine a little bit but I have to read it tomorrow because it's late and I have to do homework.  I ate all my dinner and I'm almost done with my homework.  Then I get to take a bath and then I'm going to eat ice cream.  I really love ice cream.  Mana buyed me cookies and cream.  That's the white ice cream with little pieces of oreo cookie in it.  Have you tried that kind?  What kind do you like?

My momma said she was going to pick me up at carpool tomorrow and then we will go see her friend Katie for a little while.  Bye!


I started playing basketball again!  Last Monday night, Papa took me to practice and I made a basket when it was way up in the air (9 ft) and then they made the basket come down some (8 ft) and I made 4 in a row.  Me and Papa got there early (at 5:00) and we played together.  Then, my team mates got there (at 6:00) and we practiced for an hour.  My coach says I'm getting really good.  Papa says that between the first time I played and to now I'm pretty awesome.  I can dribble without stopping and can take the ball all the way down the court and score now.  My games start sometime in December I think.


Happy Thanksgiving Day everybody!!  Did you eat lots of food and play football?  I did!  I don't have school for 5 days!  Did you know that?  I didn't have to go to school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday.  On the 6th day, I know I have to go back to school. 

Thursday on Thanksgiving Day, I went to my Gram and Granddad's house.  I ate lots of ham and turkey and green beans and rice and I had a roll too.  I didn't eat any stuffing because I don't like it.  I maked gingerbread cookies to take to Gram's house too and I decorated them with red icing.  Papa decorated one too.  I didn't eat any pie either.  I don't really like sweet stuff except for candy and ice cream.  Mana made pumpkin pie and me and Papa made cherry pie and apple pie and pecan pie.  But I didn't taste any of that either.  I like whip cream though.  Did you have pie and turkey and lots of food?  I played football a little while with Jenny and Mary and then we went for a walk in the woods with Gram and Granddad and their dog, Belle and Chester (Mary's dog) came to Thanksgiving too. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Days off

Today is Saturday again.  I love the weekend, do you?  Do you know why?  It's cause I have two days I don't have to go to school!  I like school but I like home better.  This morning, Mary, Jenny, Mana and me went to Lowes again and today I builded a Santa Sleigh!!  You should see it!  I got to nail a lot of nails today on it.  Mana said we will put it on the table and keep candy in it!  That will be great, right?!  I went shopping with Mary, and Jenny and Mana too and we buyed this cool basketball game that is electronic!  Do you know what that is?  That's when you gotta put in some batteries to make it work.  The game is for just one person, or for just two people.  If two people are playing, they race against each other to see who can get their man to the top first making baskets!  Mary won two times, and I won three times!  When Coleman comes tomorrow, I am going to ask him to play it with me. 

Today, Papa maked this big pile of leaves and I jumped in it lots of times!  It was lots of fun.  Last night we made a fire in the fireplace but lots of smoke came in the room.  Papa said it's because our fireplace is not very deep and so the logs smoke some.  It was warm though.  

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I got mail again!

Today I got mail!!  Grandpa and Gaga sent me mail!!  You know what it was?!  It was a little card that says I'm going to get my own magazine!  It's a National Geographic magazine for kids and I will get to learn cool stuff about animals, and the world, and lots of things.  Mana told me there's games in there too and things to color.  I can't wait to get the first one.  Thank you Grandpa and Gaga for my present!! I love you!

My experiments!

Today is Saturday.  I went to Lowe's and maked a Science Lab and I got goggles too.  Then, when I got home, me and Jenny did science experiments together!  We maked a real volcano, and it runned all over Jenny's fingers and mine.  That was funny.  Then, we made exploding colors with milk and food coloring and dish soap, and then we maked invisible ink too and we wrote a secret message!

Next Saturday, Mana will take me again, and I get to build a little Santa sleigh!  I love to make stuff!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

Mana, and Jenny, and Mary picked me up in carpool today!!  And then you know what we did?  We went to Papa's office and there was this big parade and I saw lots of army mans and big tanks with army mans on top!  It was cool!  There was lots of flags too.  Mana told me there was a parade because it was a day to remember our army mans.  I remember them - do you? 

After that, we ate lunch at Subway with Papa and then Jenny went to work and Papa came home with us.  I'm fighting with swords right now and wrastling!  Mary keeps hollering that I am too rough - but Papa told her that's just how boys are.

I helped Papa pick out some worms to buyed because we are going fishing soon.  I'm going to catch a big fish too!  Tonight, I'm spending the night with my Momma and we are going to one of her friend's houses.  But, she doesn't have any kids but she has dogs to play with and video games too.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

About me...

I'm doing good.  I like school too.  This week, I learned and did homework for the letters X, Y, and tonight I have Z.  What I have to do is cut out pictures that start with the letter, you know like Y is for yo-yo.  Then I have to glue them with my glue stick in my homework book and then color the pictures.  Last night I had to get 8 pennies and do more equations.  

Tonight, Papa buyed me something that I get to make for Grandpa and Gaga for Christmas!  It's really cool and you will LOVE it.  I can't tell you what it is though, because it's a secret, okay?

I had my last soccer game last night and I get to have a pizza party and get a trophy on Sunday!  My team didn't win and I didn't get a goal either.  But I had fun with Jackson, my friend.  Mana asked his momma if he could spend the night one day and his momma said yes!!

On Saturday, Mana wants to take me to a building workshop at Home Depot where I get to make stuff. Last time I made that tool box.  This time I get to make a wood science lab, and next week, there's another workshop thing where they make Santa's sleigh.  Later on Saturday, Papa and Mana are going to take me to a birthday party at a gymnastics place and then we get to go to a corn maze that night!!  I got lots to do, right?!  Are you busy like that?  

I love you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My schoolwork

I am learning so much stuff!  My homework was the letter 'V' tonight.  I have the letter 'X' and 'Y' this week too.  What I have to do, is find pictures and use my gluestick and glue them in my homework notebook and then write the words.  I never fuss anymore about homework ~ I just get it done.  I am learning how to tell time too (o'clock) and how to count money (pennies).  I get to write equations too.  Do you know what equations are?  That's when you have to write a math problem like 1 + 1 or something and you have to figure out the answer.  Papa and Mana says I'm so smart.  I like school.  There's a gymnastics party next Saturday that I hope I get to go too.  I'm going to somersault and do flips!  Tonight I killed a big brown spider outside when I got home - it was a wolf spider.   Right now, Mana is helping me spell words like chicken and bug.  I get to start basketball really soon.  And for my last soccer practice, Papa has to play because it's family against the players.  Papa is going down, right?!!  On Sunday, I have a soccer pizza party and I GET ANOTHER TROPHY!!  How cool is that?  Is everybody doing okay?  You can send mail to my house at my Mana's and she will give it to me, okay?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What not to do....

One day I was sitting with Papa in the car because we were early getting to school.  I was looking at this tree for a while.  Then, I said to Papa ~ "We shouldn't climb that tree naked".  Papa laughed.  I frowned and told Papa I was serious.  Papa didn't laugh then.  I told Papa there was this little stick sticking out of the tree and you would hurt your foot on it.  That's true, right?  You shouldn't climb a tree naked.


Hello to my family!  Mana hasn't wrote something in a really long time, right?!  She said to tell you she is sorry.  It's okay, right?  

I am really liking my school and I hardly don't cry in the morning.  I got some friends too.  I still have soccer games - Papa said just two more.  Then, I get to play basketball again with my same team!  

I went trick-or-treating with my Momma and her friend and her boy, Landon.  I was Batman.  I had a party at my school too and got candy from there too and got bat stickers for my cheek.  It was a good day.

My bunny, Robin, is doing good and me too.  I work in the yard sometimes with Papa and I always get the eggs everyday.  I get 4 or 5 eggs and I don't break none! 

Right now, I am playing fooseball in the basement with Papa.  I win all the time.

Mana said my writing is really good.  And you know what?  I don't fuss about doing my homework anymore either.  Sometimes we do homework for the next night too so I don't have any the next time.  I like doing that sometimes.  

I love everybody!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My trip to the mountains

On Sunday, I went to the mountains with Papa and Mana (to Jellystone Park, Marion, NC) for three days!  We hiked and was on this really huge bridge on Grandfather Mountain.  You should go there sometime!  The mountains were cool and Mana took lots of pictures of everything!!  I got a little black bear from that place.  The wind was blowing so much that my hair stood up and made me look like a girl!  Then, we went into a cave in the mountain and I saw cool things growing and funny looking rocks (Cavern) and a fish swimming in the dark too.  One time, they turned the lights off and it was so dark you couldn't see nothing and I couldn't even see my hand.  I got a little scared but they turned the lights back on.  Then, Papa buyed me this cool sword and I got a bat too but it is fake, ok?  It won't hurt you, ok?  Then, we went on this walk at a different place and saw some water falls.  We stayed in this little small cabin and it had a loft that I liked to climb the ladder to.  We played putt putt golf and arcade games and went on the paddle boat for a second and Papa teached me how to play horseshoes too!  I played shuffle board with Mana too.  At the little store, I buyed a bear claw!!  Papa said we'll put a string on it and I can wear it like a necklace.  After that day, we went and picked apples and then came home.  I fell asleep all the way home after that. 


Guess what, everybody?!!!!  My Momma took me to the fair and MY COOKIES WON FIRST PLACE!!!  I will get my ribbon in the mail and $8.00 for winning!  How cool is that?!!!!  At the fair, my Momma rode the dragon roller coaster and I ride lots of rides and I watched this funny dog show where they catched stuff and jumped in the water.  It was funny.  I ate an elephant ear and a corn dog too.  We stayed a long time at the fair.  When I get my ribbon, I'll ask Mana to take a picture so you can see it!

And, you know what else I did?  This morning (Saturday), I did a race at the USC baseball field and got a medal!  Papa runned too for 7 miles and he got a medal too!  Papa gave me his medal too so now I am getting lots of medals!!  Do you remember my other medals?  After the race, we all went to my soccer game and I scored another goal!  It was a good day!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Makin' Cookies!

Tonight it was finally time to make my cookies for the fair!  Papa has to take them in the morning to the fair. Is it time yet for the Fair?  Mana said not yet.  Here's how you make the peanut butter cookies:  you take one cup of peanut butter, and one cup of sugar, and one egg.  Then you stir it up really good.  It's hard to stir so you have to be really strong.  Then, you stir, stir, stir and then make it into balls and criss cross with your fork and then bake it for 10 minutes.  You can put your thumb in it too and mash it down.  Then, after it cooks, you can push a chocolate kiss in the middle or you can put a little bit of jam in the middle too.  My cookies have two criss cross, two chocolate kisses, and two with jam because I had to make six for the fair.  Papa is eating some of the other cookies and he said they were very good.  Mana likes them with the jam and the chocolate kiss.  I can make you some too!

Guess what else I did today?!  Me and Papa and Mana went to a flower place and they had pumpkins too and Papa buyed me this huge pumpkin.  We sat in the backyard and me and Papa cleaned out the guts and then Mana helped me cut the face I wanted in the pumpkin.  In a little while when it gets dark, I get to light the candle that's inside it!  Did  you know I know how to light the candle?  I have this long lighter and I put it through the pumpkin's mouth, and light the candle.  It's going to be really cool!!   Mana cooked pumpkin seeds tonight too and they are really good.  You should try some.

Rhylee's Celebration

Today is Rhylee's birthday.  I had a soccer game this morning and I made a goal for my team!!!  Me and Rhylee played on the field before my game and kicked the ball to each other.  Then we drived home and had Rhylee's big party!  Lots of people came and we had hotdogs and cheeseburgers and chips and potato salad and drink and I ate ribs too!! Rhylee got a lot of presents too.  She got this cool scooter that was pink.  Then, we rided scooters together for a long time.  Gram and Granddad gave me these cool books too; 'Will, God's Mighty Warrior', and 'Letters to God'.  Mana read them to me tonight, and I'm God's Mighty Warrior too!!  I need a fort like the boy in the story.  In my other book, it was about writing letters to God. I'm going to write a letter to God about my daddy, and ask Him to send my daddy back so I can see him because I've not seen him for a long time.

At the Zoo

Papa picked me up in carpool today ~ it's Friday!! YEA!!  Then, we picked up Mana and went to McDonald's and then we drived to the zoo!  Cherie and Brad and Rylee and Braeden was already there.  We saw lots of things and me and Rhylee fed the goats, and rode the train and then rode the big train to the gardens.  We played in the fountains some and swinged on the swing in the garden.  There was this cool little house too and we chased butterflies!  Rhylee rode home in our car and we played together.  At nighttime, we made a fire in the firepit and me and Rhylee did sparklers together and we made so'mores too.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tonight was really cool!

This night when it was almost dark, me and Coley and Mary blowed stuff up!!  You get this stuff called 'The Works' (toilet bowl cleaner) and you put some in a drink bottle and you put some shiny paper in it (tin foil) and then you throw it in the yard and move back.  After a little while it makes a really loud noise and smoke comes up and the drink bottle is blowed up and looks weird!  It is so cool.  Me and Coley and Mary did three of them!  Mana came outside but she holded her ears because it is so loud it sounds like a big gun!  How cool is that?! 

In two days I get to go to the zoo again with Rhylee.  And on Saturday, we are having Rhylee's birthday CELEBRATION!  I know what Papa and Mana buyed her for her birthday but Mana said it's a surprise and I can't tell her.   I wanted to try it out but nobody will let me and Mana said I can't take it out of the box.  I ride my scooter all the time - it has just two wheels because it's for big kids and it has a brake on the back.  When Rhylee gets her scooter (shhh!  it's a secret!), we can ride them together!  

I like playing on the playground at my school and I have two best friends but I can't remember the other one's name - one is named Jackson and he is on my soccer team.  We chase each other and play ball! 

I got  home early from school today and me and Papa checked on the chickens and I got three eggs today!  The eggs are getting bigger!  The first ones were pretty small but these are bigger!  I told Papa I wanted to put one under the light so I could have a baby chicken, so Papa gave me one, and I held my flashlight on it for a little while, but nothing happened!  Papa said we needed a different light.  Do you have one?

Coke bottle

Guess what me and Mary did?  We got some mentos - that's candy that you eat, but we didn't eat it - and you put it in a big coke bottle and then it  makes this foam stuff come out the top.  It was cool but Mary didn't think it was so cool though because she thought it was going to do something else. 

For homework, I had to write the letter G and the little g a bunch of times.  I'm getting good at writing.  Did you see my writing?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My AWESOME weekend!

I did lots of fun stuff this weekend.  Did you know that?!  My Grandpa and Gaga came and first we went to Frankie's Fun Park.  I got my own credit card and played lots of games and got lots of tickets too!  I did awesome!!

And, on Saturday, when Grandpa and Gaga were at my game, I scored a goal!  Everybody was clapping for me!  I love to play soccer with my friend Jackson.  I have a blue jersey and a red jersey and my number is 34.  Did you know that?  I have black shorts, cleats, and long blue socks I wear too that's my shin guards.  I'm getting really good at soccer.  I got the ball and took it all the way to my goal and scored!!  YAY!

Then, Grandpa and Gaga took me to the zoo and we saw lots of animals. Wanna hear something really funny?  My Grandpa was feeding these birds from a little cup, and one of them was flying, and it pooped on Grandpa's shirt!  That's funny, right?!  Gaga had to help clean him up!  I was holding a cup for another bird, and he knocked it over so then he only had a little bit of drink left.  It's called nectar. 

Grandpa and Gaga bought me some binoculars, and a cup, and a rubber snake from the zoo too!  Hey, guess what?!  I'm going to scare Mary with it in a little while!!  She will scream and I will laugh!

And, this morning, Grandpa and Gaga came to my house for breakfast.  I spent two nights with them in the hotel.  It was fun and I stayed up late last night.  Grandpa watched Texas play football and I saw them score one time!!  Gaga fell asleep in my bed before I did.  Grandpa and Gaga watched me play baseball and we went and saw our chickens too and they saw Robin the bunny and Chester too. 

I helped Papa take down the pool today, and then there was this big mud puddle I played in with just my underwear!  I got a really dirty butt and Mary wouldn't play in the mud with me.  Tonight I helped Papa make a fire outside on the deck in the fireplace thing.  I did some sparklers too.  I'm going to save some next week for when Rhylee comes because we are going to have a CELEBRATION!  It's her birthday and we're going to light fireworks.  But Rhylee can't light them because she's too little but I will help her light her sparkler!!

I'm playing in the bathtub now, and I still have some homework.  After that, I'm going to watch Rio.

Bye!  I love you!

My dentist visit

Last Monday, I had to go to the dentist because I had three cavities.  Do you have those?  That's when you have little black holes in your teeth and they have to clean it out and put some stuff in there.  I did really good and I didn't cry either!  I had a funny red nose that smelled like strawberries and it maked me really sleepy.  I got more stickers and I don't have to go back for a long time.  My Momma said I did great!  I still want braces but the doctor said I don't need them because my teeth are straight.  I like to brush my teeth with my cool toothbrush and my cool strawberry toothpaste!  And, I got kids mouthwash too!  It only pours a little bit in the cup and then you rinse it around and around and then spit.  But you have to spit in the sink - not the floor, okay?  That would be a big mess, right?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Soccer game!

Today I had a game.  I went to the game with My Grandpa and Gaga and Papa came and Mary came too! I scored a goal!!!  Did you know that?!  Mary videotaped me playing soccer and sitting with my friend, Jackson.  Today we brought snack and drinks to the game because it was our turn.  I am with my Grandpa and Gaga and we went to the zoo.  I get to sleep in the hotel again tonight!  How cool is that?  

My grandpa gave me a cool backpack that was my daddy's.  And they brought me my batman costume!!  Mana will take a picture of me so you can see how cool I look in it!  I get to go trick or treat soon, do you?  What are you going to dress like?


Guess what, everybody?!  My Grandpa and Gaga came to my school today and picked me up at carpool!!  I got to go home early and other kids had to stay all day!  After we finished carpool, we went to Frankie's Fun Park and I got a credit card and played lots of games.  On Saturday, I have a soccer game again and my Grandpa and Gaga will be there too!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Did you see the rainbow?!!!!

We went to Rhylee's house today.  Braeden got dedicated - that's when you take your little kid to church and stand on stage and the preacher prays for your kid and you have to be really quiet and 
Braeden cried for his Momma.  Then, we went out to eat and I had a soft taco, and rice, and beans, and sprite.  After I ate I played with Rhylee and two of her friends and we ran and ran.  Then, we went to Rhylee's house and me and Rhylee played cars with Braeden and then we came home.  When we got home, there was this big rainbow in the sky - with two rainbows!  Did you see them?  Mana told me about the story with Noah and the big ship and that God would never flood the earth again.  Do you know that story too?  Mana can tell you it if you want her to. 

Last night we finally did FIREWORKS and I helped Papa light them.   Chester was acting silly (Mary's dog) because he kept trying to bite the fireworks.  Papa said we should let him learn a lesson.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I like Saturday and Sunday!

Today is Saturday.  I didn't have my soccer game because we got lots of rain and my soccer field was full of mud so they cancelled my game today but it's okay.  Me and Papa and Mary played and wrestled for a little bit and when Mana got home from work, we went bowling!!  Papa said it was because I was good and I didn't cry for four days at school!  My Momma, and Mary, and Papa, and Mana all came with me bowling.  We ate hotdogs and coke and played some video games too.  Mary got me a red and blue football from a grabby machine thing.  

We had to stop at Sears so Papa could get his glasses fixed and while we were there, Momma buyed me a vest jacket - it's cool.  Mary buyed a dress and a football shirt.  I was not happy when my Momma wouldn't buy me a football shirt and then Papa said no too.  I didn't have an attitude long though.

We are at home now and Papa is playing my football game with me.  I was watching a movie that was boring (Gulliver's Travels) so Papa turned it off and we are playing now.  I am winning but I am fussing at Papa because he's not playing right - Mana said he was winning, but he's not, right?

On Friday...

I didn't cry at my school today!!  Today at my school, I had canteen.  Do you know what that is?  It's a place where you can buy candy and snacks!  Papa asked me if I was going to cry today and I said 'no' so then, Papa said 'if you don't cry, you can have a dollar for canteen' and I said 'ok' and I didn't!!  I buyed 6 things of candy and it is in a brown paper bag.  Mana let me have two pieces on the way home!  I ate chocolate candy and some star bursts.

There's this girl named Rhythm in my class and she said she was going to marry me.  I don't like that.  She's not going to marry me right?  Mana said don't worry there'd be lots of girls that would want to marry me and I don't want that either! :(      Papa just laughed.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Eye Doctor

Today was a good day!  I didn't cry this morning and walked into school with my teacher.  My momma came to my school and picked me up early but we didn't do carpool because she was late.  Me and Momma went to Barnes & Nobles for lunch and then we went to see the eye doctor.  Guess what?  I don't need glasses.  I really wanted glasses but the doctor said I have good eyes.  I had to get drops in my eyes and they stung really bad and I cried.  My eyesight is 20/30.  I want braces too.  Then, we buyed a water gun and me and Momma played and then we went to Sonic for dinner.  I didn't fuss about my homework and I finished quick.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I LOVE carpool.  Do you know what that is?  That's when you get your bookbag and lunchbox and stand in line and then get in your car and you get to go home.  It's before lunch time.  Mana came and got me at carpool on Monday and we went to the Fire House Museum, Finlay Park to the playground, to McDonalds for lunch and to the library.  I got fire books and me and Mana played puzzles and looked at all the stuff in this big doll house.  Then we listened to some cool books there too and then we picked up Papa and went home.

I had too much homework too.  I had to do 5 pages and write letters and color too much pages. I cried some, but Mana helped me get it done.

I like to play Simon Says with Mana.  Tonight we played Simon Says and I had to pick out what number Simon says to find - like Simon said to find the number 15 and I did.  We have 20 numbers down and I am practicing learning what they look like.  Tonight I learned that 13 - 19 all start with number 1 and 13 and 15 are a little bit tricky because of the way they sound.  I am getting really smart and I am practicing writing and my letters are looking great!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My cool weekend

Well you already know about the soccer game on Saturday.  In the afternoon, we plucked chickens and I held some of the guts.  It was weird.  Everybody had to help pluck the chickens and then we cleaned up the feathers and stuff.  It was cool to see what a chicken heart looks like.  Mana said my heart is as big as my fist.  Did you know that?

Today, I helped Papa and Mana in the garden.  We planted lots of broccoli plants and I took the little plants out of the cup and gave it to Mana.  Then, I helped Papa put down this white stuff (fertilizer) and then we turned on the sprinkler.  I want Papa to light my fireworks but Papa said it's too dry here - that means we didn't have no rain in a long, long time.

After that, I helped Papa split some wood and we made a little fire on the deck in this little fireplace thing.  I sat in a chair and ate corn on the cob and Papa let me put sticks and wood on the fire.  I know how to light mattresses (matches) too.  You take one out and strike it on the box.  But the rule is, I don't get to touch them unless an adult is with me.  I like doing that.

Tonight, Momma took me to see my friend Landan and her friend too.  I already finished my homework on Friday so I don't have any to do!

My first soccer game...

When I got to my game I didn't want to play.  I cried a bunch and didn't want to practice either.  My Coach Gary kept asking me to play and help the team but I said no that I wasn't ready yet.  Papa said we were going to watch the game and then my friend Jackson played (second half) and I finally went in.  Mana stood at the goal until we started playing.  My team lost though.  I have a blue jersey, black shorts, and blue socks.  I had fun at the end of the game.  Papa said maybe next time I will do better.  I'm not scared of the ball and I'm a really good kicker. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Week At School

Hi everybody.  I have been having a hard time everyday going to school and I cry.  But Papa says it's okay, but it's not okay.  I don't want Papa to leave me at the school.

I have some friends at school and I met a boy named Jackson at my soccer practice last night.  Papa and Mana said I did really good at soccer and almost scored two points.

At school this week, I learned about the five senses.  Do you know what that is?  I'll tell you.  Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, and hands and feet to touch.  I figured it out that you can touch things with your toes too.  When I walk outside on the rocks, that's how I know my feet can touch stuff.

Tomorrow is my first soccer game and it's at 10:00.  It's not our turn to bring snack yet.  I am really excited about tomorrow.  Right now I am playing a football game with Mary.  

I practiced tying stuff and I'm getting pretty good at it.  Do you want to see?  Hey, guess what?!  Tomorrow I help take out the chickens feathers!  Papa has to kill some roosters because we have a lot of roosters (8) and so we get to take the feathers out - Mana says we have to pluck the chickens.  I get to wear some gloves too.  That's cool, right? 

Papa measured me tonight and I am 42 and 1/2 inches tall!  He said I growed two inches since April.  I'm getting big!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to kill a spider...

(as told to Brandy on the phone)
I know how to kill a spider.  I can come to your house and kill it too.  You can kill a spider with a soccer ball or a basketball and you just smush it with a ball.  Sometimes you can use a football too and you use the part where it comes to a point and turns around and you can drop it on the spider too.  But you can't kill a spider with a flower because a flower won't kill a spider.  You can kill a spider with a pen too. 

I had homework tonight.  I have homework every night and I don't like to do homework all day long.  Mana tells me funny stories while I write my letters.  This night I had to write 'Hh' 5 times and Mana told me a story about Harry Hippo who saw a rat.  I finished and in Mana's story Harry Hippo's momma sucked up the rat in a big vacuum cleaner.  That's funny, right?

Tomorrow I have soccer practice! I have blue socks, and cleats, and shin guards. I practice after school.  

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hello, everybody.  I slept with Papa and Mana last night.  I do that a lot.  Papa says I kick him all night long but I can't help it because I have dreams about fighting.  I like sleeping with Papa and Mana.  This morning, I helped Mana make waffles on our new waffle thing this morning.  I ate two!

Guess what I did today?  Papa came home from work today with his ladder and tools and you know what?  He put the ladder against the garage roof and we climbed up the ladder and sat on the roof in the shade.  That was cool, right?
Then, I went and swung in Mary's hammock. Mana had to help me get in it but I didn't like to swing high.  It's really nice outside and the weather feels good.  

This afternoon, I'm going with Momma to see one of her friends who has a friend that's my size too.  I like to play with him sometimes and his name is Landon.  Do you know him?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Me cleaning!

Did you see me cleaning the car window?  I wanted to help Papa do the window at the gas station so I told Papa I could be up on the car on my knees - so that's what we did!  I helped Papa pump the gas in the car every time!  I know how to put it in that gas tank and the buttons to push too!

I had a good day at school and it's Friday!  Guess what?!  Today I didn't cry in the morning when I went to school either so you know what that means?  That means I get these really cool Toothless (name of a dragon from How to Train Your Dragon movie) sunglasses.  Papa and I made a deal.  If I didn't cry for two days when I went to school I could get these cool glasses.  And I didn't cry and I wore my glasses on the way home today!  I'll ask Mana to take a picture so you can see what I look like.  I asked Mana to put them on and she looked so funny!  I don't look so funny in them - I look cool and I really love these glasses!

I am at home for two days.  I asked Mana to give me tying lessons - you know, where you learn to tie your shoes and stuff.  Mana said I will probably learn in two days!  I'll tell you next time what I did, okay?  

I love everybody!  Bye!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doctor Visits

Today I did not go to school.  I had a ear ache last night really bad.  So, that's why I didn't go to school today.  My momma took me to the doctor and I have swimmer's ear in one ear.  I can't go in the pool for a whole week and I got drops and have to wear a cotton ball in my ear.  Mana gave me medicine last night that helped me feel a little bit better.  Last night I made peanut butter cookies for Mana's work people.  They really liked them.  I can make you some too!  I put chocolate kisses on the top of the cookies.

I had to go to the dentist today too.  It was my first visit.  The Dentist looked at my teeth and cleaned my teeth and sprayed the water in my mouth and used a sucky thing to get the water back out.  I liked the dentist.  I got a new toothbrush and some stickers.  I have three cavities!  I have to get those fixed next time I go.  I got flossing sticks too.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It' Monday...

But I'm not at school!  Did you know I was at home today?  It's a holiday - Labor Day.  Mana told me what that means for I forget now.  Do you know?  Papa helped me fly my kite again today!  We had more wind today - it was great.  It was supposed to rain all day today but it hasn't rained yet!

Mary took me and Coleman in her car to the store and we buyed marshmallows, and chocolate, and graham crackers and then Mary taked me to McDonalds.  I ate chicken nuggets and got a toy.  When we got home, Papa helped me light his big grill and we cooked marshmallows and made s'mores.  Do you know what that is?  It's when you cook a marshmallow really good and blow the fire out, then put it with some chocolate and graham crackers and make this sandwich thing.  It's really good!  You should have some.  I know how to make them so I can make some for you!

I'm watching Yogi Bear movie right now and then I get to watch Riingo movie.  Mary got them for me when we went today to the store.

I got mail too!  One time I got this cool McDonald card from one of Mana's friends at work (Heather) and yesterday I got a blue bag with Tony the Tiger on it.  It's for my stuff like soccer shoes and uniform.  Did you know I get to start playing soccer with my school next week?!  That will be so cool!  And you should see my big muscles too!!

Guess what, everybody?!!

Today I learned to fly my Batman kite!  Is that cool, or what?!  We had a little breeze today and Papa showed me how to do it and I runned and runned a lot to keep my kite up.  Papa said if we had more wind I wouldn't have to run so much!  But it was okay!

I played in the pool today with Mana for three hours!  Mary came for some of the time too.  At first the water was kinda cold but you get used to it.  When Mary came outside, I tricked her and told her it was warm like bath water.  That's funny, right?  She said I tricked her.

Papa cooked good burgers on his big grill tonight and we had cheese burgers and chips.  I had to take one bite of something I did not like - it was something yellow.  Mana said it was potato salad.  Do you like potato salad? I don't! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Three Days at home!

Did you know I get three whole days at home?  YAY!!  I love to be at home.  Today is Saturday and I had to help clean some things at home.  I don't like cleaning but Mana says we all have to work together and if I don't clean, I won't get to do some other fun things like play in the pool today.  I fussed a little bit but then I changed my mind and did what Mana asked me to do.  Mana helped me clean out my bunny cage today.  

Guess what?!  I helped Papa do hard work today.  We had to chip away this hard white stuff around the tub (caulking) and then Papa helped me put new white stuff back around all the sides of the tub and along the floor! It is really cool!  Papa lets me help him all the time and I'm BIG!!

I get to play in the pool for a long time today too!  At night, sometimes it gets a little cooler and then the water isn't really hot in the pool and it's kind of cold.  But, you get used to it.  I can swim really good and never use my water wings any more.  It's because I'm big!  I can't touch the bottom except on the sides of the pool but it's okay.  

I help Papa take care of the chickens too.  We don't have our bunnies that live outside anymore because some really bad dogs came and got them.  Papa got his gun and shot two of the bad dogs but one got away.  I wish I had seen that!

A Whole Week!!

I finished my first whole week of school!  I like school but I don't like to go in the morning time.  We have this carpool lane where the kids get dropped off but I don't want to do that so every morning Papa, or Mary, or Momma, or Mana walk me into my class.  I fell down two times this week because I bumped into my friends when we were running outside and playing.  On Friday, when Papa and Mana picked me up, I had a bandaid on my hand because I had dirt on my bobo.

I am learning some letters and this week I had homework.  I am learning the letter 'T' and 'B'.  At homework, I had to cut out pictures for words that start with a T and a B and glue them in my book!  My Momma helped me do it.  Do you know words that start with a 'T'?  Like t-t-t- tiger and t-t-t-toy.  And 'b' words like b-b-b-baby and b-b-b-ball.  I am smart!!

I had music class today too and I start soccer with my friends at school really, really soon! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday again...

I went to school again today.  Papa dropped me off today in Mary's car.  I didn't want to go in by myself so Papa had to walk me in. I have homework tonight.  I have to practice writing my letters.  I don't like to sit all day long and do homework like that so Mana says I just have to do a little bit at a time and then I get a break.  At school today, I was the line leader. At my homework tonight, my Momma helped me cut out pictures that start with the letter 't' and I glued them on the page and had to write the words.  I don't like writing too much.

After school, Papa picked me up early today and we did stuff and got groceries.  We buyed this big bag of food for the chickens and I said to Papa 'let's do team work' and he helped me carry the big bag of food to the chicken house.  I got special boots to wear with Papa in the yard so I don't get no mud or poop on my good shoes.  Today, I weared black boots.  Do you have some like mine?  I have red fire engine boots too and then I got some work shoes like Papa's too. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Open House at My School

Today I played in the pool with Papa and Mana but mostly Papa because Mana just laid on a raft most of the time.  Me and Papa played pool dogs.  My name is Batman Dog and Papa is Robin Dog.  We played fetch in the pool and throwed water balls at each other.  Mary came to play for a little while too.

Momma, and Papa, and Mana went to my new school today because only the parents could come.  They like my teacher, Mrs. Wadford.  She is nice.  My desk is next to the teacher's desk because that's where I picked to sit.  I got lots of school supplies and I got a new book bag and lunch box that's blue camo with bears on it and it says my name too!  It's really cool! I get to go to school tomorrow.  Momma found out they have karate at my school too and lots of other things.  I have to save Box Tops for my school.  Do you have any?  They are little Box Tops things that are on different food boxes and you cut them out and take them to my school.  Do you have any now?  Mana has been saving them for my class. 

Movie Day

Today my Momma took me to see the Spy Kids movie and she buyed me these cool glasses!  Papa said I look like a bug.  That's funny, right?  Last night I practiced making my peanut butter cookies for the fair with Mana.  She said I did good.  Do you know how to make peanut butter cookies?  You take 1 cup of sugar, and 1 cup of peanut butter (the cream kind), and one egg and you stir it alot.  My arm got tired and Mana stirred it for me.  Then, you put some in your hand and roll it into a ball and put it on this stone thing (baking sheet).  After that, you get a fork and you criss-cross applesauce on top of each cookie.  Mana had to put it in the oven.  The cookies cook for just 10 minutes, okay?  The cookies were very good.  Papa loved them.  I'm going to win at the fair, right?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My first day at school...

Today I went to big kid school.  It was my first day.  I wear the same kind of clothes every day.  I wear light brown shorts and a white shirt or I wear a blue shirt with my school name on it.  My Momma took me to school today and I cried a lot because I didn't want her to leave. 

I learned lots of stuff today and the letter 'H'.  I know how to write my name and how to spell my name.  Are you ready?  It's A..N...T...H...O..N..Y.  I'm getting really big.

And guess what at my new school?  I don't have to take naps at all!!  My school room is number 7.  

Wanna piece of cookie?

Papa and Mana laugh when I say 'Wanna piece of meat'?  Mary told me I'm posed to say 'You Want a Piece of Me'?  but she's not right, right?! It's wanna piece of meat, right?  I like to say that to Mary in the pool.  Everybody laughs.

Mana entered my name in the fair because I am going to make some good peanut butter cookies and I want to win another ribbon.  Mana said if I win I get money too.  Know what?  I'm saving my money so I can go to Frankie's Fun Park where they have putt-putt and go-carts and lots of games.  I told Papa, and Mana, and Mary to save their money too.

I hope I win a prize at the fair!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The ZOO!

We went to the zoo today with Rhylee, and Braeden, and Jenny, and Mary, and Mana, and Papa, and Momma.  I sawed lots of animals like a big elephant that was eating hay, and some big dirty bears (grizzly), and I got to feed the giraffes some food, and the goats some food.  Then, Papa let me and Rhylee ride a pony and we rode a little train, and we got to ride the merry-go-round.  I had a red Icee to drink too and I watched the penguins swim around and around.  My Momma gave me some food to feed the fish too.  I saw everything.  And then, my Momma bought me a wallet and I have some dollars in it!  I got to buy a cup with a circle straw in it too.  Rhylee and Braeden have one too.

Then, we cam home and Mana and Papa played in the pool with me and Rhylee for a really long time.  After that, we sat on the deck and Mary buyed me some ice cream and I had gatorade and some starbursts.

Right now I am playing Batman again with Rhylee.  Tomorrow they go home.  I didn't eat all my food tonight and I'm mad because my Momma won't let me eat anything else. 

Did you see that I say 'because' now and not 'acause'?  Mana taught me how to say it and I say 'behind' now too and not 'ahind'.  I'm really getting big!!

It's my last game...

Today is Saturday and Rhylee and Braeden came for a visit for two whole days!  I keep trying to teach Rhylee how to play my Batman game but she doesn't know what to do.  Mana keeps telling me I need to be patient because she is little so I just hold her controller and help her that way.

My Gram and Grandad came today to my last basketball game.  And Rhylee was there, and Braeden, and Momma, and Jenny, and Papa, and Mana and everybody.  Mary couldn't come because she had to work.  I scored a basket again and made two points!  I am getting really good at playing.  I told Rhylee that when she gets bigger she can play too and I will let her use one of my team shirts too.  

After my game, Papa drove everybody to see my new school and then we went home and ate hotdogs and blueberries and chips and soda!  It was a good day!  After that, Mary and Coley played in the pool with me and Rhylee.  Rhylee was a little bit scared.  

My trophy!

Today (Wednesday) I had basketball practice.  It was my last practice.  But guess what?!  Did you guess yet?  I didn't have practice.  Papa and Mana didn't know but this night I got to eat pizza and get a TROPHY!  It has a basketball man on it.  All my team got their own!  My coaches want me to come and play again when it gets cold outside.  I liked playing basketball! 

I got a medal!

Today at Tumblebus, I got a medal!!  They only had two medals and I got one.  I told Mana I don't remember what I did.  I runned fast and jumped but I don't know why they gave me the medal.  I think it's because I'm fast and strong!  On Tumblebus we get on a yellow bus and do stuff like jump and swing and stuff.  I do really good at Tumblebus. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm getting ready!

I ask Papa all the time when my little school is over because I am going to go to big kid school really soon!  My school clothes that Papa buyed me came in the mail today!  I got some khaki pants and shorts and some white shirts.  I wear uniforms at my new school.

I got mail!  My Gram and my Granddad sent me a card with a bee on the flower.  My Gram said it made her think of me in the swimming pool.  That's funny, right?

I don't cry anymore when I go to school.  I'm big now.  The other day (yesterday) Papa took Mana and Mary to my school and we showed them my classroom, and the gym and the cafeteria and the playground.  My classroom is number 7.  Mana sent a picture of me sitting at a desk to Brandy.  Did you see it?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Balloon for my daddy

Today Mana buyed me a balloon for my daddy.  It was lightning mcqueen and had Mater too.  We went in the front yard and I let it go up to my daddy in heaven.  I watched it for a long, long time till it was just a tiny dot.  Yay!  My daddy gets a balloon!

Me at Basketball

I played basketball tonight (Friday).  Guess what?  I made two baskets by myself and got four points!  My team was so excited!  My momma and Mary went with me and Papa and Mana had to go to dinner with some friends.  I did really good! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Me At The Beach

Hello everybody!  Guess what?!  Did you guess yet?  Nope, you didn't guess it.  I went to the beach with Grandpa, and Gaga, and everybody for a whole week.  This is a picture of me at the beach and I catched two fish at one time.  See? Grandpa put two hooks on my pole and some bloodworms on the hooks and I catched two before anybody else did!  Grandpa said I'm a surfer boy too!  I had this blue boogy board and I rode the waves a lot.  I played with Aystin and Kayleigh and everybody.  We stayed in a blue house.  I played in the waves too!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I use my words...

I have been using big words lately; I told Papa to watch, this would be interesting.  Then I said my gatorade was refreshing.  And, I told Papa that I can be delightful!!  Papa laughed! 

I love to be at home!

Today I played in the pool with Papa and Mana and Mary.  Then, Mary had to go to work.  But after a while, Jenny came home from work and she got in the pool too.  I didn't want to get out of the pool but Papa said I was in the pool for three hours!  After that, Papa played the football game with me for a long time.  I told Mana it was just for boys, not for girls.  But I told Mana there was a girl part - they were cheer leaders.  Mana didn't want to play anyway acause she was making fig jam today.  She let me taste some and it was really good!  I helped Mana pick some figs yesterday and today I climbed up high on the ladder with Papa and we picked some more.  Papa buyed me this big plastic hawk thing and we put it on the fence by the pool and the fig tree.  I told Papa I thought it would make the other birds stay away and I was right!!  No birds got any figs!  Last year it was funny acause when I was in the pool, I had this big water gun and I would shoot the birds with water and they would fly away.  That's funny, right?

Musical Chairs

Right now I am playing musical chairs by myself.  Have you ever played that game by yourself?  Here's what you do:  you put up a chair, and then walk around it and say musical and then get in your chair really quick!  I am beating Chester!  I just said musical and fell into my chair and then fell out, but Chester (my dog) was slow and doesn't get in, so I win.  Mana is laughing at me and thinks I'm funny!!

My weekend...

I played basketball on Saturday and it was lots of fun.  I runned and runned and passed the ball to my team.  I think my team won the game!  After the game, I always like to play on the playground.  Then, after the game, we went back to Mana's house.  Me and Mana played in the pool for about an hour.  I am getting good at swimming.  I like to use my goggles and put my face in the water and swim.  I like to jump on the floats too!  When Papa got home, we helped Mana finish with the tomatoes ~ she's making salsa.  Do you like salsa?  Mana didn't make it too spicy.  I don't like it too spicy, do you?

Hello everybody!

Hello to everybody.  I am doing good.  I had a good week at Vacation Bible School at my school and every day I got something to do.  Today I wrestled with Papa.  I am getting really big and strong.  I did Tae Kwon Do kicks and hits at Papa's hand.  Papa and me laughed when I hurt my toe and fell down.  It was really funny!  I am going to take Tae Kwon Do one day soon.

I like to play Mana's piano and sing. I make up my own songs all the time.  Right now I'm singing about the day and the sun is so bright, and about my dog Chester (Mary says it's her dog, but she's wrong).  

In the mornings sometime I feed Jennifer's cat Aurora.  She's orange with orange eyes and she likes when I pet her.  I play with Moma's dog, Rocco, but he is too rough and jumps on me sometimes cause he's so excited.  He has to stay on a dog run acause he tears up everything.  One day, he chewed up one of my toys and chewed up two of Mana's flip flops. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I was busy today...

This morning I had to get up early and go with Mary and Mana and Papa.  We went and picked blueberries all day long.  I was filling up my yellow bucket and I had this strap thing that went around my shoulder to hold my bucket.  Papa helped me and put lots of his blueberries in my bucket.  I got to wear my boots like my Papa and then I throwed yucky berries at Mary.  I tricked Papa too and told him I had a good blueberry and to open his mouth.  Papa opened his mouth and I put a yucky blueberry in his mouth for him to eat.  It was funny.  After that, Papa didn't open his mouth any more.

I played in the pool for a little while with Moma and then a long, long time with Mana.  I love being in the pool and I'm a good swimmer.  After I swimmed a long time, I helped Papa paint the bunny cage outside and my dog's house outside.  We painted everything all white acause that's the only color Papa had.  I told Papa next time I wanted blue paint and he said okay.

I helped Mary cook blueberry cobbler and then I helped Mana and Mary make fig cookies.  My tummy is very full and I don't want anything else to eat.  Yesterday I helped Papa and Mana and Jenny and Mary and we had to peel the tomatoes so Mana could put them in jars.  I'm a good helper.

Now I am playing my football game with Mary.  I win a lot.

I love everybody!

Roller Skating

Moma took me roller skating and Mary too.  I fell on my butt lots.  I skated fast by myself and Mary helped me skate a lot.  I went around the circle two times and we practiced on the carpet.  I played on the jungle gym there too and played in the balls with some other boys too.  I had four wheels on each skate.  Mary had roller blades but didn't have that kind acause they were too tricky.  I want to go again.  I loved it!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I got mail!!

Every day all day long I ask Papa if I got mail.  When we get home, I get the mail with Papa and then I get to drive the car to the house.  I like my driving lessons.  I told Papa I needed a license like my daddy got me one time.  Today I asked Papa if I got mail ~ and guess what?!!  I GOT MAIL!  I got a card from Annie and she gave me a credit card and I am rich now and I can buy ice cream with it!  Papa sent a picture to Annie with me and my mail!  Thank you, Annie!!

Vacation Bible School

At my school this week it's Vacation Bible School.  Other kids come to my school too.  Every day I get to play a new game and they have lunch there so I don't have to bring anything except my Moma packs me snacks and drinks but that's all.  I played a water game today.  Mana is making brownies for me to take to my class tomorrow.  I gave my teacher some vegetables from the garden too.  Her name is Ms. Willie B and she likes tomatoes and cucumbers.

B-ball practice

Tonight was my basketball practice.  I am really doing lots of things.  On Monday night and Wednesday night I go to basketball and on Tuesday and Thursday I go to swimming class.  Papa takes me and Mana takes me.  I did GREAT at basketball practice and made a shot and passed it to my team mates too.  I runned and runned and runned really fast.  On Saturday I have another game. 

About my swimming class

I go to swimming class.  Today I jumped in the pool two times.  This is my first swimming class and I didn't want the class to be over.   One time I jumped in by myself.  And I did rocket.  That's when you put your hands by your sides and jump in.  Monkey tree is when you bring you feet up close to your body.  I put my face in the water too but not for a long time.  My teacher is Mr. Chris.  He catches me and tells me what to do.  I swim on Tuesday night and Thursday night.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm dolphin boy!

Mary buyed me two big floats to play with in the pool.  One is this big alligator and I show him 'who's the boss' all the time and today Mary got me a dolphin.  I'm dolphin boy and Mary is alligator girl.  Mary tries to show her alligator 'who's the boss' but she is funny cause she rolls all over the place in the pool with the alligator.  I have a beach ball too but it keeps getting loose out of the pool and then I get dirt in the pool when I get back in.  I played in the pool for a long, long time.  Now I am watching a movie with Papa.  My moma is going to be home soon from work.  Mary is taking a nap and won't play star wars 360 with me so Papa played a card game with me.  Mana won't play either cause she says she's got to write stuff about me. 

Guess what?!  Papa told me that in two days I am going to take swimming lessons!  I can already swim across the whole pool (16') but Papa told me that I will get to learn cool tricks too.  Today, Mana held me and I went underwater and got my yellow fish in the pool.  I was really scared but Mana didn't let go of me and it was fun.  Mana had to get the green crab underwater after that.  It was our deal.  I didn't hold on to Mana though cause she's too big for me to carry.  One day I'm going to be way bigger than her.  Mana asks me if I will carry her when I get big and I say 'yep'!

I got to go fishing!

Papa thought we should go fishing and he buyed worms and crickets.  I can catch crickets in my hand and hold them with my fingers.  I'm not scared to do it.  I catched three fish today and Papa only catched one fish, and Mana only catched one but Jenny and Mary didn't catch no fish.  Papa cuts the heads off at the pond.  When we got back home, I got to help Jenny and Mary and Mana scrape the scales off the fish.  Mana said she will make me fish sticks tonight.  Mana bought these really cool noodles that look like zoo animals and she will make my macaroni and cheese too.  Mana says I'm growing really big and Papa likes to see my big, big muscles.  When we went to the pond today (Sunday), I was singing 'tonight's gonna be a good, good night' again.  I like to sing that song.  My daddy played that song in his truck too.  I sing really good and I know lots of songs now.  I know Old McDonald, and This Old Man, and Twinkle, Twinkle and more songs but I don't know their names.

Basketball game

I had my third basketball game on Saturday and Papa, and Moma, and Mana all  came to watch my game.  Jenny and Mary worked so they didn't come.  I did really good - I grabbed the ball one time and ran all the way to my hoop thing and threw the ball up but I didn't make it that time.  I didn't get hit in the head at all at my game.  Last time, I got hit with the ball.  But not this time.  I practice again on Wednesday night and have a game every time on Saturday.  After the game, Papa lets me play at the playground while Mana gets the car.  When we got home, I went swimming with Mary and Jenny.

My Bunny

My bunny, Robin gets to come out of his cage and walk around the house.  I like to show him my toys but Papa and Mana keep telling me I'm scaring him.  I don't know why he's afraid of my toys.  Papa said the bunny is just scared acause he says I move too much.  But Robin the bunny likes me and likes when I pet him.  I like to give him carrots and lettuce and stuff.  He hops around funny in his cage and jumps sometimes.  I don't think he sleeps at all.  All the time I look at  him before I go to bed and he's awake. 

Happy 4th of July!

Hello everybody!  It is the pledge of allegiance day today!  Mana told me today is the birthday of where we live.  Is it the birthday of where you live too?  Mana said it was.  Did you watch the video with me saying the Pledge of Allegiance?  I like to say it every time I see the flag with the red and white stripes.  On Saturday (July 2nd), we all went to the Blowfish baseball game.   It was me and Rhylee and Papa and Mana, and Moma, and Jenny, and Mary, and Uncle Brad, and Aunt Cherie, and Cherie's baby, and Mary's friend.  I really liked Mary's friend - her name was Kerien.  I held her hand when we walked back to the car.  At the game, sometimes I sat next to Rhylee, and sometimes I sat on Kerien's lap.  After the game was all over, we watched really big, awesome fireworks.  It was loud.  I didn't hold my ears but Rhylee holded her ears.  Papa bought me some fireworks but we still didn't light them yet because it was really dry and Papa said it might catch something on fire. My moma bought me a baseball and after the game before we watched the fireworks some of the baseball mans wrote their names on my ball!  My moma bought me a blue bat too and Papa buyed me a cool Blowfish hat.  I had a good time with everybody! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm sick - yucky!

My moma took me to the doctor yesterday and I am so sick.  I have a bad headache and my tummy hurts and my froat (throat) is sick.  The doctor said I have strep throat.  Today I stayed home and watched lots of TV with Mana and Moma.  Moma gave me medicine and bringed me lunch.  I had to drink lots of juice today.  Tonight I was outside playing in the fountain on the deck but nobody would let me run around.  Mary made me mad today acause she wouldn't let me bring this big stick thing up on the deck.  Papa played Shoots and Ladders with me tonight and I wonned the game.  I like to play the piano too.  I am playing it now.  Mana says I have to play it soft cause it's old.  I am singing a song about that tonight's going to be a good, good night.  My daddy liked that song.  Do you know how that song goes?  Mary and Kristin and Mana have a bad froat (throat) too and have the strep throat too.  We all have to take lots of medicine.  Are you sick too?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I can cook too....

I made cookies today with Kristin... see?!  I ate lots of it before we cooked it.  I ate some when Kristin wasn't looking cause she kept saying i ate enough.  I didn't!

My Lil Toolbox

I went to the Home Depot big store today with the orange roof on it.  Me and Mana went today cause we was going to make Papa a surprise.  I got to make my own tool box.  But I didn't want to give Papa my tool box acause I really think it's cool so Mana got another one I bringed home and me and Papa will make that one so he has one that matches mine.  Papa told me my daddy used to work at the big Home Depot store.  I got a orange apron just like my daddy had to wear.  I painted my toolbox tonight with red, and yellow, and blue and a little bit of purple on it too for Mana.  On one side, it says my name Anthony, and on the other side, it says my daddy's name.  I get to work with Papa outside and carry his nails and stuff in my tool box and wear my apron.  Next time, I'm going to go make something else!

I play basketball now!

Today i had my first basketball game!  I runned and runned.  My team doesn't have a name ~ we are just called the white team acause i have a white shirt.  My coach showed me where to stand and I standed close to my spot the whole time.  I got to bounce the ball down to the basket but i didn't make no points this time.  I practice bouncing the ball a lot cause my coach said to practice every day.  I asked Papa why did I have to do it all day long cause I already know how to play and Papa said that's how you get good at something. Papa buyed me a basketball and I have black shorts too. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A balloon for my daddy...

Last night I talked to Mana in the bed about something.  Mana said my daddy was in heaven with Jesus but I couldn't see him yet.  I said I wanted to go to heaven now to see my daddy but Mana said that Jesus wasn't ready for me to come yet cause my house wasn't ready in heaven yet.  I told Mana that Jesus was making a house for me and her next to my daddy's house.  I'm going to go there one day and everybody's going to go with me one day.  I told Mana i want to let a balloon go up to heaven.  She said why so I telled her it was because i want to let one balloon go up to heaven to Jesus to tell him I love him and then i let another balloon go up to my daddy to say I love him to him.  Mana asked me what kind of balloon I want for Jesus and for my daddy.  I said I wanted spiderman for Jesus and Mr. Seaweedhead for my daddy cause he will think it's funny with seaweed on his head.  Mana's going to buy them tomorrow and i will let them fly up to heaven to my daddy and Jesus.

Today Mana picked me up early from school.  I had to go today cause it was tumblebus day.  I didn't have to go to no school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Tomorrow at my school I get to have water fun day where I play in two baby pools with squirt guns and all my friends.  I went on my tumblebus today and it was with Thomas the Train.  I got to blow the train whistle really loud.  My friend Corey doesn't go to my school anymore acause (because) he goes to a different school. 

Mary buyed me a big crocodile thingy to play with on the pool (a big float).  I played on it today with Mary and laughed really loud acause she couldn't get on the crocodile without sliding off the side!!  That's funny, right?

Did you know I have a Bible book with real stories?  Mana said they are real stories not tend (pretend) stories.  The other night Mana read about Jesus and his friends on this big boat and they was all scared cause of the lightning and thunder but Jesus took care of them and made the storm stop and keeped them all safe.
I love Jesus.