Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rhylee and Braeden are coming!

Tonight Rhylee and Braeden are coming to visit!  We are going to have Braeden's birthday party on Saturday - you wanna come too?  Mana said you can come if you want to.  Rhylee is coming at 8:00 tonight.  I had to take a bath after my baseball practice and I was crying and crying.  Mana said I might not make it to 8:00 tonight before I go to bed.  I'm going to stop crying.  Right now I'm playing ball in the house with Coleman.  Mary is wrapping Braeden's present for him.  She buyed him a Elmo guitar. Papa buyed  him a t-ball set.  He's going to love that, right?!  I am writing Braeden's name on his present.  We 'posed to have lots of people come to his party on Saturday.  And then, on Sunday ~ I come to visit my Grandpa and Gaga and Elvis and Brandy and my little brother Austyn!  I am excited!  I love you!

My day at the doctor...

Did you know on Saturday, Papa had to take me to the emergency room for a BIG splinter?  Yep - that's what happened!  I had this BIG splinter in my thumb and Papa tried to get it out but he couldn't get it.  So, then, Papa taked me to the doctor but the doctor was closed.  So then, me and Papa went to the emergency room.  We were at the hospital for 5 hours!  I had to have three shots cause they couldn't numb by thumb.  They gave me some sleepy medicine but I didn't feel sleepy.  The doctor lady finally got most of it out.  I cried so much that I had fat eyes (swollen).  That was bad, right?  I'm okay now.  I got a special football sticker too.  I hope I don't get no more splinters!  Did you have a splinter one time?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Jesus lives in my heart!

I forgot to tell you something about me!  On Saturday, me and Mana were laying in the bed and talking about people in heaven.  Mana told me that not everybody gets to go to heaven - they have a choice.  Did you know that?  She named some of the people there already (like my Daddy) and she said we could get to heaven too if we ask Jesus into our hearts.  Mana said everybody has a choice to let Jesus in their lives or not.  I told Mana to ask Jesus to live in my heart and Mana said I had to do it and if I wanted her to, she would help me.  Mana prayed the 'Jesus into my heart prayer' and I prayed it too.  Do you know how the prayer goes?  You just tell Jesus that you know you make bad decisions and do wrong things and that you know He died for you and has forgiven you and you say you're sorry and thank Him for dying on the cross and then you ask Him to come into your heart ~ and He does!  Just like that!  That's easy, right?!  After that, I asked Mana to pray for my booboo on my foot too.  I'm glad Jesus loves me and cares all about me.  I love Him too!  I learned a cool verse at my Sunday school class - 'Never tire of doing what is right' 2 Thessalonians 3:13.  I get tired of doing the right thing, do you? 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm workin'...

Today is Saturday and it's morning.  Me and Mana almost waked up at the same time but she woke up first.  Then we had to go find Papa cause he wouldn't answer his phone.  He was outside feeding all our animals.  I hided in the basement and jumped out when he came inside!  Now, I'm working with my Papa.  We are building a grill that Papa buyed.  I got my tools and my goggles and my screwdriver.  Mana is making me and Papa some coffee.  Here is a picture of me with my goggles (in case something flies around) and my screwdriver.  I'm a big helper.  I told Papa we should read how to put it together (instructions) in English cause that's what we speak - not Spanish.  

The bees come next Saturday and I will show you a picture of me in my bee suit then, okay?  I love you and BYE!

Do you have a crank?

Do you know what a crank is?  A crank is when you hold your arm up and move it around and it makes a noise - that's a crank.  You can get cranks in your legs too.  When you twist the wrong way with your leg or ankle bone and it hurts, that's a crank.  Your leg crank doesn't make a noise.  If your leg crank makes a noise, you should go to the doctor right away.  I had a crank in my knees last time.  My knees said they just didn't want to move me anymore and I couldn't go anywhere.  I needed someone to carry me because of the crank.  Does that happen to you?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hello, My People!

How are you doing?  I am really good!  I still have my loose tooth that's not falled out yet.  It's really loose!  But I don't want anybody to pull it out!  What are you doing today?

I've been busy with lots of stuff.  I have baseball games two times a week - but not this week because I had a practice tonight.  Mana gots lots of pictures of me playing my baseball game - it was last Saturday.  I hit two times and didn't get out none.  And then, I got two people out two.  One of the pictures that Papa's gonna send to you soon shows me running really fast to second base with the other guy chasing me with the ball.  But he didn't catched me because I run SUPER FAST!  Do you?

I was 'posed to have swimming lessons last night but it got cancelled because the swim teams were practicing and there was no lane for me to use.  But that's okay.  I love swimming!  Do you?  I'm getting really good at it too - you should see me.  Maybe I can show you how good I swim when I'm at the beach when it's hot outside, 'kay? 

My school is going really good too.  I really like school and Mana is going to send some of my school work papers to Grandpa and Gaga so they can see how smart I am.  I get my homework done quick at night most times - sometimes I fuss, but not too much because somebody always says if I hurry I can go play and I like to do that.

Papa selled some of the baby rabbits and I didn't like that at all.  I wanted to keep all the babies but Papa said they aren't my pets and we can't.  Papa had to figure out which ones was girl bunnies, and which ones was boy bunnies and I got to spray some black paint on their butts if they were boys.  There's only two boys.  Hope Papa is right, cause that'd be funny if those two that I sprayed were girls instead of boys.

We got this electric fence thing that's white and it keeps the chickens inside and they have a long place to run around in.  My little ducks are growing too and they are down at the place where the chickens are, but they don't run around with the chickens yet.  When they get bigger, they will run around with the chickens too.  I touch the electric fence sometimes because I like to feel out it feels.  It doesn't hurt but Mary and Mana won't touch it.  Mana says she got shocked enough when she was little kid at her house by my Granddaddy and Grandma's fence.  Papa said don't pee on it.  I won't do that - just touch it with my hand.

Let's see - what else?  I can't think of nothin' else so Bye!  I love you!!!! 

Oh!  One more thing!  I'm having two birthday parties - did you know?  I get to go to Virginia the first week of April and I'm going to have a party with my little brother at Brandy's house and then I get to have a party when I get back home too.  I'm going to have my party at Frankie's Fun Park so I can invite my friends from school.  And know what else?  Brandy said she was going to have a bouncy thing for my party.  I told Mana I was turning 7 because I'm having two birthday parties but Mana said I am only turning 6.  Is she right?


Friday, March 9, 2012

Let me tell you about something...

Today, Papa bringed a baby bunny to my school so my friends could see it.  I don't know if it was a boy or a girl - Papa doesn't know yet either.  But I know all about California (breed of rabbit) bunnies.  Let's see - they come from California, they get really big, and they have red eyes.  People bring them to our world (South Carolina) in these rabbit cages.  That's how they get where we are.  The bunnies have red eyes because they are lazy.  My rabbit doesn't have red eyes because he's not lazy and he's not white, and not from California.

Here's something else.  'Wake up and smell the coffee'.  Know what that means?  I telled Mary to figure it out.  It means to wake up.  Did you know that?

I had swimming lessons on Wednesday but my coach didn't come, so me and Papa swimmed together for a while and then we played racketball - Mana too.  Have you played that before?  It is with rackets and a blue ball and you hit the ball against the wall.  I had a great time!  I whacked the ball and slid at the same time!  IT WAS COOL!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some lazy days...

I didn't do too much stuff on Saturday - it rained all day long.  I watched some TV and I went with my Papa to this bee thing (convention) but all they did was talk about lots of stuff and they didn't have no bees to look at their.  We didn't stay too long though and then when I got home, Mana played some games with me later that day.  We played Mouse Trap, and Penguin Fishing, and some marble game.  Mana kept cleaning and then sometimes she would take a break and play something with me.  Mary and Jenny were gone too.  I played marbles a little while by myself because Mana was taking so long to come play marbles.  

The next day (Sunday) we went to church but I stayed in big church with Papa, Mary, and Mana.  I didn't want to try my class again this time but Papa said next week I have to try my class again.  I was outside this afternoon (Sunday) and was tackling Chester because he kept grabbing my ball and running with it.  Chester is really fast and I have to run really fast to catch him.  Sometimes, I trick him and pretend I have something for him to eat.  Then, when he gets close to me, I jump on him.  It's funny!

Today, me and Papa got the eggs (11!) and they were in a can while Papa was working in the garden.  Rocco and Chester got some of the eggs out and ate them, and broke 2 more in the can.  That's bad, right?  Papa is outside sanding his bee cages but it got really cold and windy, so me and Mana came inside and I'm relaxing now with gatorade on the couch and watching Sponge Bob.  Do you like that show?

This week my baseball games start!  My first game is on Thursday but I have practice on Monday night too.  Then, Papa said my games are on Monday and Thursday nights until in May when it's all over.  I have swimming lessons on Wednesday night too so I have a lot to do.  Do you do lots of stuff like that too?

I can't think of nothin' else to say, so I'll tell you more stuff tomorrow.  I love you.  Bye.