Last night I talked to Mana in the bed about something. Mana said my daddy was in heaven with Jesus but I couldn't see him yet. I said I wanted to go to heaven now to see my daddy but Mana said that Jesus wasn't ready for me to come yet cause my house wasn't ready in heaven yet. I told Mana that Jesus was making a house for me and her next to my daddy's house. I'm going to go there one day and everybody's going to go with me one day. I told Mana i want to let a balloon go up to heaven. She said why so I telled her it was because i want to let one balloon go up to heaven to Jesus to tell him I love him and then i let another balloon go up to my daddy to say I love him to him. Mana asked me what kind of balloon I want for Jesus and for my daddy. I said I wanted spiderman for Jesus and Mr. Seaweedhead for my daddy cause he will think it's funny with seaweed on his head. Mana's going to buy them tomorrow and i will let them fly up to heaven to my daddy and Jesus.
Today Mana picked me up early from school. I had to go today cause it was tumblebus day. I didn't have to go to no school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow at my school I get to have water fun day where I play in two baby pools with squirt guns and all my friends. I went on my tumblebus today and it was with Thomas the Train. I got to blow the train whistle really loud. My friend Corey doesn't go to my school anymore acause (because) he goes to a different school.
Mary buyed me a big crocodile thingy to play with on the pool (a big float). I played on it today with Mary and laughed really loud acause she couldn't get on the crocodile without sliding off the side!! That's funny, right?
Did you know I have a Bible book with real stories? Mana said they are real stories not tend (pretend) stories. The other night Mana read about Jesus and his friends on this big boat and they was all scared cause of the lightning and thunder but Jesus took care of them and made the storm stop and keeped them all safe.
I love Jesus.