Sunday, July 24, 2011

I use my words...

I have been using big words lately; I told Papa to watch, this would be interesting.  Then I said my gatorade was refreshing.  And, I told Papa that I can be delightful!!  Papa laughed! 

I love to be at home!

Today I played in the pool with Papa and Mana and Mary.  Then, Mary had to go to work.  But after a while, Jenny came home from work and she got in the pool too.  I didn't want to get out of the pool but Papa said I was in the pool for three hours!  After that, Papa played the football game with me for a long time.  I told Mana it was just for boys, not for girls.  But I told Mana there was a girl part - they were cheer leaders.  Mana didn't want to play anyway acause she was making fig jam today.  She let me taste some and it was really good!  I helped Mana pick some figs yesterday and today I climbed up high on the ladder with Papa and we picked some more.  Papa buyed me this big plastic hawk thing and we put it on the fence by the pool and the fig tree.  I told Papa I thought it would make the other birds stay away and I was right!!  No birds got any figs!  Last year it was funny acause when I was in the pool, I had this big water gun and I would shoot the birds with water and they would fly away.  That's funny, right?

Musical Chairs

Right now I am playing musical chairs by myself.  Have you ever played that game by yourself?  Here's what you do:  you put up a chair, and then walk around it and say musical and then get in your chair really quick!  I am beating Chester!  I just said musical and fell into my chair and then fell out, but Chester (my dog) was slow and doesn't get in, so I win.  Mana is laughing at me and thinks I'm funny!!

My weekend...

I played basketball on Saturday and it was lots of fun.  I runned and runned and passed the ball to my team.  I think my team won the game!  After the game, I always like to play on the playground.  Then, after the game, we went back to Mana's house.  Me and Mana played in the pool for about an hour.  I am getting good at swimming.  I like to use my goggles and put my face in the water and swim.  I like to jump on the floats too!  When Papa got home, we helped Mana finish with the tomatoes ~ she's making salsa.  Do you like salsa?  Mana didn't make it too spicy.  I don't like it too spicy, do you?

Hello everybody!

Hello to everybody.  I am doing good.  I had a good week at Vacation Bible School at my school and every day I got something to do.  Today I wrestled with Papa.  I am getting really big and strong.  I did Tae Kwon Do kicks and hits at Papa's hand.  Papa and me laughed when I hurt my toe and fell down.  It was really funny!  I am going to take Tae Kwon Do one day soon.

I like to play Mana's piano and sing. I make up my own songs all the time.  Right now I'm singing about the day and the sun is so bright, and about my dog Chester (Mary says it's her dog, but she's wrong).  

In the mornings sometime I feed Jennifer's cat Aurora.  She's orange with orange eyes and she likes when I pet her.  I play with Moma's dog, Rocco, but he is too rough and jumps on me sometimes cause he's so excited.  He has to stay on a dog run acause he tears up everything.  One day, he chewed up one of my toys and chewed up two of Mana's flip flops. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I was busy today...

This morning I had to get up early and go with Mary and Mana and Papa.  We went and picked blueberries all day long.  I was filling up my yellow bucket and I had this strap thing that went around my shoulder to hold my bucket.  Papa helped me and put lots of his blueberries in my bucket.  I got to wear my boots like my Papa and then I throwed yucky berries at Mary.  I tricked Papa too and told him I had a good blueberry and to open his mouth.  Papa opened his mouth and I put a yucky blueberry in his mouth for him to eat.  It was funny.  After that, Papa didn't open his mouth any more.

I played in the pool for a little while with Moma and then a long, long time with Mana.  I love being in the pool and I'm a good swimmer.  After I swimmed a long time, I helped Papa paint the bunny cage outside and my dog's house outside.  We painted everything all white acause that's the only color Papa had.  I told Papa next time I wanted blue paint and he said okay.

I helped Mary cook blueberry cobbler and then I helped Mana and Mary make fig cookies.  My tummy is very full and I don't want anything else to eat.  Yesterday I helped Papa and Mana and Jenny and Mary and we had to peel the tomatoes so Mana could put them in jars.  I'm a good helper.

Now I am playing my football game with Mary.  I win a lot.

I love everybody!

Roller Skating

Moma took me roller skating and Mary too.  I fell on my butt lots.  I skated fast by myself and Mary helped me skate a lot.  I went around the circle two times and we practiced on the carpet.  I played on the jungle gym there too and played in the balls with some other boys too.  I had four wheels on each skate.  Mary had roller blades but didn't have that kind acause they were too tricky.  I want to go again.  I loved it!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I got mail!!

Every day all day long I ask Papa if I got mail.  When we get home, I get the mail with Papa and then I get to drive the car to the house.  I like my driving lessons.  I told Papa I needed a license like my daddy got me one time.  Today I asked Papa if I got mail ~ and guess what?!!  I GOT MAIL!  I got a card from Annie and she gave me a credit card and I am rich now and I can buy ice cream with it!  Papa sent a picture to Annie with me and my mail!  Thank you, Annie!!

Vacation Bible School

At my school this week it's Vacation Bible School.  Other kids come to my school too.  Every day I get to play a new game and they have lunch there so I don't have to bring anything except my Moma packs me snacks and drinks but that's all.  I played a water game today.  Mana is making brownies for me to take to my class tomorrow.  I gave my teacher some vegetables from the garden too.  Her name is Ms. Willie B and she likes tomatoes and cucumbers.

B-ball practice

Tonight was my basketball practice.  I am really doing lots of things.  On Monday night and Wednesday night I go to basketball and on Tuesday and Thursday I go to swimming class.  Papa takes me and Mana takes me.  I did GREAT at basketball practice and made a shot and passed it to my team mates too.  I runned and runned and runned really fast.  On Saturday I have another game. 

About my swimming class

I go to swimming class.  Today I jumped in the pool two times.  This is my first swimming class and I didn't want the class to be over.   One time I jumped in by myself.  And I did rocket.  That's when you put your hands by your sides and jump in.  Monkey tree is when you bring you feet up close to your body.  I put my face in the water too but not for a long time.  My teacher is Mr. Chris.  He catches me and tells me what to do.  I swim on Tuesday night and Thursday night.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm dolphin boy!

Mary buyed me two big floats to play with in the pool.  One is this big alligator and I show him 'who's the boss' all the time and today Mary got me a dolphin.  I'm dolphin boy and Mary is alligator girl.  Mary tries to show her alligator 'who's the boss' but she is funny cause she rolls all over the place in the pool with the alligator.  I have a beach ball too but it keeps getting loose out of the pool and then I get dirt in the pool when I get back in.  I played in the pool for a long, long time.  Now I am watching a movie with Papa.  My moma is going to be home soon from work.  Mary is taking a nap and won't play star wars 360 with me so Papa played a card game with me.  Mana won't play either cause she says she's got to write stuff about me. 

Guess what?!  Papa told me that in two days I am going to take swimming lessons!  I can already swim across the whole pool (16') but Papa told me that I will get to learn cool tricks too.  Today, Mana held me and I went underwater and got my yellow fish in the pool.  I was really scared but Mana didn't let go of me and it was fun.  Mana had to get the green crab underwater after that.  It was our deal.  I didn't hold on to Mana though cause she's too big for me to carry.  One day I'm going to be way bigger than her.  Mana asks me if I will carry her when I get big and I say 'yep'!

I got to go fishing!

Papa thought we should go fishing and he buyed worms and crickets.  I can catch crickets in my hand and hold them with my fingers.  I'm not scared to do it.  I catched three fish today and Papa only catched one fish, and Mana only catched one but Jenny and Mary didn't catch no fish.  Papa cuts the heads off at the pond.  When we got back home, I got to help Jenny and Mary and Mana scrape the scales off the fish.  Mana said she will make me fish sticks tonight.  Mana bought these really cool noodles that look like zoo animals and she will make my macaroni and cheese too.  Mana says I'm growing really big and Papa likes to see my big, big muscles.  When we went to the pond today (Sunday), I was singing 'tonight's gonna be a good, good night' again.  I like to sing that song.  My daddy played that song in his truck too.  I sing really good and I know lots of songs now.  I know Old McDonald, and This Old Man, and Twinkle, Twinkle and more songs but I don't know their names.

Basketball game

I had my third basketball game on Saturday and Papa, and Moma, and Mana all  came to watch my game.  Jenny and Mary worked so they didn't come.  I did really good - I grabbed the ball one time and ran all the way to my hoop thing and threw the ball up but I didn't make it that time.  I didn't get hit in the head at all at my game.  Last time, I got hit with the ball.  But not this time.  I practice again on Wednesday night and have a game every time on Saturday.  After the game, Papa lets me play at the playground while Mana gets the car.  When we got home, I went swimming with Mary and Jenny.

My Bunny

My bunny, Robin gets to come out of his cage and walk around the house.  I like to show him my toys but Papa and Mana keep telling me I'm scaring him.  I don't know why he's afraid of my toys.  Papa said the bunny is just scared acause he says I move too much.  But Robin the bunny likes me and likes when I pet him.  I like to give him carrots and lettuce and stuff.  He hops around funny in his cage and jumps sometimes.  I don't think he sleeps at all.  All the time I look at  him before I go to bed and he's awake. 

Happy 4th of July!

Hello everybody!  It is the pledge of allegiance day today!  Mana told me today is the birthday of where we live.  Is it the birthday of where you live too?  Mana said it was.  Did you watch the video with me saying the Pledge of Allegiance?  I like to say it every time I see the flag with the red and white stripes.  On Saturday (July 2nd), we all went to the Blowfish baseball game.   It was me and Rhylee and Papa and Mana, and Moma, and Jenny, and Mary, and Uncle Brad, and Aunt Cherie, and Cherie's baby, and Mary's friend.  I really liked Mary's friend - her name was Kerien.  I held her hand when we walked back to the car.  At the game, sometimes I sat next to Rhylee, and sometimes I sat on Kerien's lap.  After the game was all over, we watched really big, awesome fireworks.  It was loud.  I didn't hold my ears but Rhylee holded her ears.  Papa bought me some fireworks but we still didn't light them yet because it was really dry and Papa said it might catch something on fire. My moma bought me a baseball and after the game before we watched the fireworks some of the baseball mans wrote their names on my ball!  My moma bought me a blue bat too and Papa buyed me a cool Blowfish hat.  I had a good time with everybody!