Papa thought we should go fishing and he buyed worms and crickets. I can catch crickets in my hand and hold them with my fingers. I'm not scared to do it. I catched three fish today and Papa only catched one fish, and Mana only catched one but Jenny and Mary didn't catch no fish. Papa cuts the heads off at the pond. When we got back home, I got to help Jenny and Mary and Mana scrape the scales off the fish. Mana said she will make me fish sticks tonight. Mana bought these really cool noodles that look like zoo animals and she will make my macaroni and cheese too. Mana says I'm growing really big and Papa likes to see my big, big muscles. When we went to the pond today (Sunday), I was singing 'tonight's gonna be a good, good night' again. I like to sing that song. My daddy played that song in his truck too. I sing really good and I know lots of songs now. I know Old McDonald, and This Old Man, and Twinkle, Twinkle and more songs but I don't know their names.