Today is Saturday and Rhylee and Braeden came for a visit for two whole days! I keep trying to teach Rhylee how to play my Batman game but she doesn't know what to do. Mana keeps telling me I need to be patient because she is little so I just hold her controller and help her that way.
My Gram and Grandad came today to my last basketball game. And Rhylee was there, and Braeden, and Momma, and Jenny, and Papa, and Mana and everybody. Mary couldn't come because she had to work. I scored a basket again and made two points! I am getting really good at playing. I told Rhylee that when she gets bigger she can play too and I will let her use one of my team shirts too.
After my game, Papa drove everybody to see my new school and then we went home and ate hotdogs and blueberries and chips and soda! It was a good day! After that, Mary and Coley played in the pool with me and Rhylee. Rhylee was a little bit scared.