I finished my first whole week of school! I like school but I don't like to go in the morning time. We have this carpool lane where the kids get dropped off but I don't want to do that so every morning Papa, or Mary, or Momma, or Mana walk me into my class. I fell down two times this week because I bumped into my friends when we were running outside and playing. On Friday, when Papa and Mana picked me up, I had a bandaid on my hand because I had dirt on my bobo.
I am learning some letters and this week I had homework. I am learning the letter 'T' and 'B'. At homework, I had to cut out pictures for words that start with a T and a B and glue them in my book! My Momma helped me do it. Do you know words that start with a 'T'? Like t-t-t- tiger and t-t-t-toy. And 'b' words like b-b-b-baby and b-b-b-ball. I am smart!!