Monday, November 7, 2011
My schoolwork
I am learning so much stuff! My homework was the letter 'V' tonight. I have the letter 'X' and 'Y' this week too. What I have to do, is find pictures and use my gluestick and glue them in my homework notebook and then write the words. I never fuss anymore about homework ~ I just get it done. I am learning how to tell time too (o'clock) and how to count money (pennies). I get to write equations too. Do you know what equations are? That's when you have to write a math problem like 1 + 1 or something and you have to figure out the answer. Papa and Mana says I'm so smart. I like school. There's a gymnastics party next Saturday that I hope I get to go too. I'm going to somersault and do flips! Tonight I killed a big brown spider outside when I got home - it was a wolf spider. Right now, Mana is helping me spell words like chicken and bug. I get to start basketball really soon. And for my last soccer practice, Papa has to play because it's family against the players. Papa is going down, right?!! On Sunday, I have a soccer pizza party and I GET ANOTHER TROPHY!! How cool is that? Is everybody doing okay? You can send mail to my house at my Mana's and she will give it to me, okay?