It's my birthday today!

Hello my people! Did you know ~ I am 6 years old today!! See all my candles?! I blowed them out with one time blowing. You know what I wished for? Can you not tell anybody? I wished for a hamster. I telled Jenny, but that was all. No one else, okay? If you tell somebody else, the wish might not come true. My last wish was for a guinea pig. I had a great day today. My Momma picked me up in car pool and then I comed home and played. Then, I opened my presents with Papa and Jenny and Mana and we played three games! One of my presents was this funny game called Headbanz - it's great because you get to wear this blue headband thing and it holds a card in it and you have to guess what you are before the little timer runs out of sand. We looked pretty funny - but my Papa said he looked cool. He didn't really. I got lots of presents for my birthday! When I was visiting in Virginia, My Grandpa and My Gaga got me this game boy with a game and a baseball bag that holds my bats and gloves and baseballs, and I even have one of my daddy's baseball bats! Momma Brandy got me this cool big soccer goal. I've played with it lots in the yard. But Chester keeps chasing the soccer ball when I kick it! Today, I got more stuff too. I got mail from my Nannie and Papa and $50.00!! I'm really rich now! Then, I got that game I was telling you about that we played and then I got a new game for my gameboy too. My Momma will have my present tomorrow. She said it's really special too. From my Granddad and Gram I got this really cool cash register. Me and Jenny played store with it a long time. Everything was great. Thank you for all my stuff. I love you. Bye!