Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day.  I maked this card and bag for my mom.  We gived Mana a cool chair that lays back and I got to talk to some people today too and telled them Happy Mother's Day.  After that, I helped Papa cook some food, and then we went to Gram's and Granddad's house to eat with them.  I took my game boy and my kindle fire to play with there.  Gram and Mary and Mana played Bingo with me and Apples to Apples.  Those are two games I like to play.  I win most of the time, did you know?  Now, I'm back home and watching a movie.  It's close to bed now though so Mana needs to stop being on the computer and lay down with me.  Good night Everybody ~  I will see you in a few days, okay?