So, on Friday, I have a vocabulary test, a spelling test and a math test. On the second Friday of the month, I have to write a book report (in my own handwriting), and at the end of the month, I have to do an oral report in front of my class. My vocabulary words from last week was abdomen, accelerate, abandon, absent, and absorb. I had 10 spelling words and my bonus word was Mrs. Moody (my teacher's name). I made a 'A++' on all my tests! Papa and Mana was so proud of me!! Mana telled me that when I make 12 'A's, Papa and Mana will take me bowling! I love to go bowling! I just need 9 more 'A's!!
I taked my hamster to school last Friday too! He runned in his wheel for a little while during math class - it was funny. My other friends in their classroom (room #9) got to see him too. He runned in their class too! He's so cute! You should see him. He is light colored (cream) and has fluffy hair. I like to pet him. Each day, I give him food and me and Mana put him in his ball so he can run all around the house when I get home from school. He runs in the bathroom and in my room and in the hall and sometimes he gets stuck under Mana's bed. That's pretty funny. When he's really quiet, Mana says I have to find him to make sure he didn't get out of his ball. When he gets stuck, he makes poop on the floor - they are little poops. Mana has to get the vacuum cleaner and suck it up. Then, she has to wipe the floor. I don't have to do that yet. On Saturday, we have to clean out his cage acause it gets a little stinky. We give him treats too - he likes zucchini and broccoli and sometimes a little piece of tomato.
Sometimes I eat hot lunch at school. On Friday, we have pizza at school and I LOVE cheese pizza. Next week, Papa signed me up to get ice cream everyday after lunch. We gotta see how that goes - Mana said if I eat my lunch and the ice cream, we can get ice cream again the next week. It's a really big ice cream so I'm not sure if I can eat ALL the ice cream before it's time to go. Last week, I was concerned about it and so I didn't want any last time.
We cooked marshmallows last night in the fire pit - we have GIANT marshmallows (the size of 3 of the normal ones). I love to burn mine. But sometimes, I ask Papa to just make my giant marshmallow a little bit brown - and not burned. It's really good both ways - which way do you like?