You are keeping up with us, right? My Mana didn't give you the other days, but here's some more and maybe you can do these, if you want to.
15 ~Drive through a light display or walk downtown with hot chocolate as a family.
16 ~ Play a board game together while listening to Christmas music
17 ~ Indoor snowball fight (pillows may be substituted for snowballs)
18 ~ Take a jar of change to the Salvation Army kettle and explain to the kids what they are doing
19 ~ Turn on Christmas music and dance in front of your tree.
20 ~ Watch a classic Christmas movie together
21 ~ Give a secret gift to a neighbor
22 ~ Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger (pay for coffee, cookies for mail carrier, etc.)
23 ~ Make gingerbread pancakes for dinner - have eggnog too
24 ~ Read/act out the Nativity Story
25 ~ take a family picture. Merry Christmas!!