Hello! I had a cool day! So much stuff happened! I had a good day at school, and Mana buyed me these red brownie things with icing on them for Valentime's day and I took some to give to my teachers but I forgot it in my lunch box, but it's okay. When I got home from school today, I went with Papa to check on the rabbits. Guess what?! We have three baby rabbits. I never seen baby rabbits before - have you? I telled Mary and Mana that they looked like rats! They have no hair and they are pink with their ears sticking on the side of their heads. They are funny looking! You'd laugh!
I helped Papa get the eggs tonight too - last night, I helped Mana get the eggs because Papa was at his bee class - that's a class for how to take care of bees. Papa is gonna buy me a bee suit too like his so I can help him. I don't like to touch yucky eggs! It's yucky!!
Tonight I get to eat ice cream and eat some candy. My momma said I can only have candy on the weekend so I got some tonight - I love all candy - especially sour candy.
Hey - I got a riddle for you (that's where somebody gives you some clues, and you figure out what it is). Are you ready? What is white, and hard, and wiggles? Mary guessed a bunny rabbit. She was wrong. Did you guess? Do you give up? It's teeth! And know what? I GOT TWO LOOSE TEETH (bottom teeth)!!! I'm not kidding! Now the tooth fairy can come to my house!
I have this cool ant farm that I watch the ants make tunnels in the green gel stuff. It's really cool. Know what they did? They made some tunnels, and it spelled the word 'IN'. How cool is that?! It doesn't say IN any more, just it says nothing.
You should see how good I read! I am reading sentences with words that have three or four letters. Everybody is so proud of me! When I see you next time, maybe I can read to you some too.
I am still coloring in my cartoon pages about me and Spiderman and sometimes Papa helps me juggle too.
Tomorrow I got to get a hair cut and it makes me cry. I don't want a hair cut but Mana said it's time. She said if I was special good she'd buy me a milkshake but I don't know if I will cry or not.
Bye! Love you!