Monday, January 9, 2012

It's a Monday!

Hi everybody!  It was a Monday.  I was unhappy that I had to go to school.  I was unhappy that I didn't get no candy at the tractor place.  And I was unhappy that I couldn't go first thing this morning with my Momma to drop off Papa's chain saw.  Do you have days like that?  I don't like to wake up in the morning either!  And I don't want to eat no breakfast!

It's okay now.  I had mashed potatoes for dinner and broccoli and sloppy joes.  That's Papa's favorite - sloppy joes - but I don't think I'm gonna love them like Papa does.  I only had to eat half of my sloppy joe sandwich.  My Momma said I'm eating too much candy too. She said I can only have a little bit on Saturday and Sunday. 

I got home before Papa and Mana today and then I went to basketball practice.  We worked a long time on how to rebound.  Tonight, I weared my Panthers football jersey to practice basketball in.   Another night, I'm going to wear my basketball jersey from Grandpa and Gaga to practice in too.  Papa is signing me up to play T-ball again, and that starts in February as soon as my basketball games are over.  

Tomorrow night, I might get to go with Papa and Mana and Mary to Coleman's basketball game.  That will be fun!  I love basketball. 

I got mail again yesterday!  Gram and Granddad sended me a thank you card.  I love to get mail.  One time in the mail, I got this toilet paper roll thing.  Mana said it was for me but I think she was tricking me.  I got my cool National Geographic for Kids magazine too and I love the stories and games and puzzles in it. 

I've been coloring a lot.  Remember that spider man thing I got at Christmas from Gaga's house?  My Momma printed off a picture of me and I'm in the cartoon with Spider Man!  Me and Mana have been coloring the pictures.  It takes a REALLY LONG time!  Most of the time, I tell Mana what color to use, and she colors.