Hello Everybody! I love my Grandpa, and I love my Gaga, and I love Moma Brandy, and I love Austyn, and I love my Annie, and I love Jake, and I love Scott and I love Elvis, and I love Granddaddy, and I love Grandma, and Faith, and everybody else too! I had a really good day because we had a party at school. And you know what else? I had t-ball practice tonight!! Did you know?! I am on the Express team this time. I got my new shirt tonight too!
What did you get for Valentine's Day? I got a card yesterday in the mail from Grandpa and Gaga. Thanks! The card was funny because when you pull it up, the dog on the card has a big smile with BIG teeth! That's funny, right?! I got some candy from Papa and a singing dog from Papa and Mana that is so silly and it turns around and says stuff like 'Who's your doggy?' and I can't remember what else. It shakes too! Mana gave it to me this morning while I was sleeping and she pushed the paw and it shook and talked and woke me up. It was funny! I took it to show Mary and I waked her up with it too. And Jenny! I pushed the button on his paw lots of times! They like my doggy. Maybe you can see it when I come to visit.
I had to sign my name to 22 Valentine cards last night to give to my class. That's a lot of writing. Then I had lots of homework too, but Papa helped me and I didn't fuss too much.
I'm still reading and I do pretty good too. My Momma bought me some new shoes and Papa is going to buy me some new baseball cleats. I get to wear my basketball shoes all the time now, because Papa said next time I play basketball, they won't fit so I have to wear them now. I got cool light up shoes from my Momma.
Oh! Mana wants you to know that I've gained 4 pounds in about 3 months! When I went to the doctor on Saturday, they telled me I gained 4 pounds. I'm getting big and strong like my daddy!
Oh! Mana wants you to know that I've gained 4 pounds in about 3 months! When I went to the doctor on Saturday, they telled me I gained 4 pounds. I'm getting big and strong like my daddy!