OOHHH! Guess what I got today? I got my present from my Great Aunt Marie! It's a surprise - close your eyes! Are they closed tight - no peeking - okay?! Are you ready - okay - open your eyes! See! I got a soccer ball, and a red football and this cool VW bus and a cool red truck! The doors open on the bus and truck and the top comes off the bus too! I can play with these in the car now! They are so cool! I love them. Thanks, Aunt Marie! I love the stuff! Now, I can play with my red football and my brown football too! I want to play football but I am playing and doing other sports right now. Do you remember? I finished my basketball and now I am playing baseball again.
Last night, Papa and Mana took me to my basketball banquet and I got another trophy - it was a big trophy this time - bigger than my last one. I ate pizza and chips and had red drink, and I got to sit with my team. Papa and Mana sat somewhere else but I could see them. They called my name and gave me that trophy and everyone clapped.
I love you!