Saturday was a fun day! I had baseball practice in the morning. Papa and Mana came and watched me practice, and Papa is helping coach my team!! I'm really good and listen to my coaches! I run after the ball when somebody hits it and I know I'm 'posed to throw it to first base. The coach let me play first base too. I had a great time. I can run really fast too - did you know?!
Then, when we got home, I helped Mary clean out some of the chicken poop from the chicken cage outside and then I helped my Papa - he was putting new wire on the rabbit cages. I helped bang some of the staples in too and I stepped in rabbit poop too - yucky! It's okay though - because I have work boots like Papa's that I wear when I'm working outside. Papa had the momma bunny and her babies in a cage on the ground and they were all out of their box and eating clover. They are getting pretty big! You should see them!
I helped Mana pull some weeds in the flower garden too, and she let me cut the tall grass (pampas) down short. I gave it a hair cut! Mana said we have to take care of stuff so it will grow better. She said it's the same like when she takes care of me - cutting my hair and toenails. I don't know how that goes together, but she said that's how it works.