Thursday, April 26, 2012

At School...

This week at school, I've been doing testing all week.  Every day I have to do some tests and then I get to play outside for a while while other kids are doing the tests.  I don't remember what tests I'm doing but my teacher said I'm doing really good.  I'm still reading too, you know.  I had a baseball game on Tuesday night and I got a baseball game to go to on Friday.  Last night we went to Coleman's baseball game.  It was cool to watch the big kids play.  Coleman plays really good.

I'm watching some TV now and eating ice cream.  Do you like ice cream?  Me too!  I don't like ice cream sandwiches though.  Did you know Mana is the boss?  She's the boss of Papa too.  I telled Mana she was the boss of Papa and Mana said she wasn't but I knowed she is.  Right?

I love you!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

At Frankie's Fun Park!

This day we all went to Frankie's Fun Park for my birthday!!  We was supposed to have a party there last week but another boy in my class had a birthday there the same time we were going to do it, so I just went to his party instead.  His name is James.  It was great!  But today, me and Rhylee and my friend Aaron, and Braeden, and Papa, and Mana, and Mary, and Coleman and Cherie all went to Frankie's.  It was so cool!!  Me and my friend Aaron played in this big fun house thing with ropes and swings and slides.  Then we played air hockey.  Next, we went outside and we rode the bumper boats.  Me and Aaron catched Mana and Rhylee in their boat and sprayed them with water.  That's funny, right?  After that we rode this drop thing - it has lots of seats and goes up slow, and then drops you down fast.  It made us laugh.  Coleman rode it with me and Aaron the first time, and then we rided by ourselves.  Then, we ate some pizza and then me and Aaron and Rhylee rode the go carts for kids.  It was so much fun - I was a really fast rider.  After that, it was time to go home.  Rhylee and Braeden and Cherie went back home to their house and me and Aaron went to my house.  We played in the pool for 15 minutes (temperature was 72!), then we played with Chester in the back of Papa's truck, and then we got to shoot the bb gun with  Papa at the target.  Finally, we came inside and taked a bath and ate dinner, and now, me and Aaron are playing Star Wars on the TV.  We have special chairs we are sitting in too - Aaron is sitting in the Sponge Bob chair from Grandpa and Gaga, and I'm sitting in the chair from my other friend Landon - he gived me this black gaming chair.  It rocks too.  

Thank you so much for all my presents I got for my birthday too!  I love everything!  I love everybody too!  I will see you very soon, okay?  Bye!!

My Fun Day at School

Today, at my school, we had a Fun Day!  Do you know what a Fun Day is?  It's when you get to go on rides at your school and eat pop corn and cotton candy and play on the bouncy house!  Papa comed to me school too to help my class.  Mana was supposed to come but she had to go to her long work instead.  It's okay though.  After my Fun Day, my Momma picked me up and took me back home and I got to play with Rhylee and Braeden.  Me and Rhylee played outside for a long time but we didn't go in the swimming pool.  I really had a great day today!  I told Mana it was the 'best day ever'. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

It's my birthday today!

Hello my people!  Did you know ~ I am 6 years old today!!  See all my candles?!  I blowed them out with one time blowing.  You know what I wished for?  Can you not tell anybody?  I wished for a hamster.  I telled Jenny, but that was all.  No one else, okay?  If you tell somebody else, the wish might not come true.  My last wish was for a guinea pig.  I had a great day today.  My Momma picked me up in car pool and then I comed home and played.  Then, I opened my presents with Papa and Jenny and Mana and we played three games!  One of my presents was this funny game called Headbanz - it's great because you get to wear this blue headband thing and it holds a card in it and you have to guess what you are before the little timer runs out of sand.  We looked pretty funny - but my Papa said he looked cool.  He didn't really.  I got lots of presents for my birthday!  When I was visiting in Virginia, My Grandpa and My Gaga got me this game boy with a game and a baseball bag that holds my bats and gloves and baseballs, and I even have one of my daddy's baseball bats!  Momma Brandy got me this cool big soccer goal.   I've played with it lots in the yard.  But Chester keeps chasing the soccer ball when I kick it!  Today, I got more stuff too.  I got mail from my Nannie and Papa and $50.00!!  I'm really rich now!  Then, I got that game I was telling you about that we played and then I got a new game for my gameboy too.  My Momma will have my present tomorrow.  She said it's really special too.  From my Granddad and Gram I got this really cool cash register.  Me and Jenny played store with it a long time.  Everything was great.  Thank you for all my stuff.  I love you.  Bye!