Monday, March 26, 2012

Jesus lives in my heart!

I forgot to tell you something about me!  On Saturday, me and Mana were laying in the bed and talking about people in heaven.  Mana told me that not everybody gets to go to heaven - they have a choice.  Did you know that?  She named some of the people there already (like my Daddy) and she said we could get to heaven too if we ask Jesus into our hearts.  Mana said everybody has a choice to let Jesus in their lives or not.  I told Mana to ask Jesus to live in my heart and Mana said I had to do it and if I wanted her to, she would help me.  Mana prayed the 'Jesus into my heart prayer' and I prayed it too.  Do you know how the prayer goes?  You just tell Jesus that you know you make bad decisions and do wrong things and that you know He died for you and has forgiven you and you say you're sorry and thank Him for dying on the cross and then you ask Him to come into your heart ~ and He does!  Just like that!  That's easy, right?!  After that, I asked Mana to pray for my booboo on my foot too.  I'm glad Jesus loves me and cares all about me.  I love Him too!  I learned a cool verse at my Sunday school class - 'Never tire of doing what is right' 2 Thessalonians 3:13.  I get tired of doing the right thing, do you?