Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hello again!  I got a hair cut today.  I didn't want to go and cried and pulled away from Mana but then we went in and I sat on her lap waiting my time.  It was kind of funny - you know why?  The lady was painting this wet stuff on another lady's hair that was white (frosting and coloring).  When it was my turn, I climbed in the chair like a big boy.  I told Mana I wanted my hair cut short like my daddy and she said when it gets warmer, we'll get it cut like that.  I love my cool haircut and I told Mana I wasn't afraid to get my hair cut anymore and that I wouldn't cry next time.  I'll ask Mana to put up a new picture of me for you to see.  My hair feels really good in the back and it's smooth.

I had basketball game today and I weared my cool new black and red shoes.  I played hard.  Papa says he can tell that I understand the game and how to play.  I grabbed the ball and was holding on tight when someone else grabbed the ball too and pulled really hard and I banged my head on the floor.  I cried too.  My coach took me out of the game for a minute but then I went back in.  When we got home, Mana gave me some headache medicine.  

I'm going to watch some movies this afternoon.  What are you going to do?  Tomorrow I'm going to help Papa with his chain saw and we're going to cut stuff up.  Papa got a new chain saw with a cover on it.  I'm playing with my remote control four wheeler right now.   Are you playing too?  

I helped Mary make sugar cookies too and they are baking in the oven.  Bye!

Friday, January 27, 2012

I had a great day!

Hello!  I had a cool day!  So much stuff happened!  I had a good day at school, and Mana buyed me these red brownie things with icing on them for Valentime's day and I took some to give to my teachers but I forgot it in my lunch box, but it's okay.  When I got home from school today, I went with Papa to check on the rabbits.  Guess what?!  We have three baby rabbits.  I never seen baby rabbits before - have you?  I telled Mary and Mana that they looked like rats!  They have no hair and they are pink with their ears sticking on the side of their heads.  They are funny looking!  You'd laugh!  

I helped Papa get the eggs tonight too - last night, I helped Mana get the eggs because Papa was at his bee class - that's a class for how to take care of bees.  Papa is gonna buy me a bee suit too like his so I can help him.  I don't like to touch yucky eggs!  It's yucky!!

Tonight I get to eat ice cream and eat some candy.  My momma said I can only have candy on the weekend so I got some tonight - I love all candy - especially sour candy.  

Hey - I got a riddle for you (that's where somebody gives you some clues, and you figure out what it is).  Are you ready?  What is white, and hard, and wiggles?  Mary guessed a bunny rabbit.  She was wrong.  Did you guess?  Do you give up?  It's teeth!  And know what?  I GOT TWO LOOSE TEETH (bottom teeth)!!!  I'm not kidding!  Now the tooth fairy can come to my house!

I have this cool ant farm that I watch the ants make tunnels in the green gel stuff.  It's really cool.  Know what they did?  They made some tunnels, and it spelled the word 'IN'.  How cool is that?!  It doesn't say IN any more, just it says nothing.

You should see how good I read!  I am reading sentences with words that have three or four letters.  Everybody is so proud of me!  When I see you next time, maybe I can read to you some too.

I am still coloring in my cartoon pages about me and Spiderman and sometimes Papa helps me juggle too.  

Tomorrow I got to get a hair cut and it makes me cry.  I don't want a hair cut but Mana said it's time.  She said if I was special good she'd buy me a milkshake but I don't know if I will cry or not.  

Bye!  Love you!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Sunday

Last day, after my basketball game, we went to my Granddad's for his birthday.  Granddad is funny - he held up my hands to make rabbit ears in our picture and then he said he wasn't going to get older and that he was going to count backwards.  You can't do that, right?!  But it was funny because Granddad thinks he's 72 and not 74.  I know how old everybody is - even Rocco and Chester (dogs)! 

My Mana maked barbecue and mac and cheese and green beans.  Gram bought a fruit cake thing (fruit tart) because that is Granddad's favorite dessert.  I singed Happy Birthday two times!  

I know what today is.  Today is my Austyn's birthday party!  He is turning three years old but I'm still bigger than him.  I get to call him later when he wakes up because Papa said he's probably not up yet.  

Are you ready to sing with me for Austyn?  Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Austyn, Happy Birthday to you!  And many more ~ on channel four!!  I hope everybody has a great day!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Guess what today is?!

Do you know what this day is?  It's really special!  Today is my daddy's birthday and he's 26 I think.  Tonight we singed happy birthday to my daddy.  Wanna sing it with me?  Are you ready?  "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Daddy, Happy Birthday to you!  And many more - on channel four!!" Kristin taught me that last part about channel four.  That's funny, right?!  At dinnertime, we had candles that I got to light on the table.  Mana said this was in honor of Daddy - she said that is a way to remember him.  I know that I can't see Jesus either but He is taking good care of my daddy.  And you know what else?  Mana said that Jesus is having a BIG party in heaven for my daddy!!  And I know who is there too - do you? My Daddy's Momma is there and this other person that gave me these light up pens - Mana said his name is Mark.  And Mana told me about her Great Nannie and her two Grandmas and Pap Pap and Papa's grandma's and granddaddy's - Mana said it's so many people up there already and that we will all get to see everybody one day and I get to live in a house right next to my Daddy!  I told Mana I was going to live with her next to my Daddy.  Do you want to live with my Mana too?

I made sprinkle cupcakes tonight for my Daddy and I am eating one right now with chocolate ice cream - it's the chocolate cookie kind supreme!  I love that kind.  I didn't get a present for my Daddy but that's okay.  

I've been really tired the last a couple of days.  Papa thinks it's because I've been getting up early because we have to leave early.  Mana thinks it's because I'm sick.  I've been coughing too.  Tonight I fell asleep on the way home from school and then I hurt my leg at home and bit my tongue at dinner.  I'm better now though and Mana said the ice cream would help my tongue.  She was right!

My day

I did so much stuff when I got home today!  I helped Mana make chicken and mac and cheese, and I helped my Papa put together these shelf things that hold plants, and I helped Mary set the table too.  I'm big.  I put the forks and napkins on the table and at night I take my dishes to the kitchen after dinner.  I like to sing my song at dinner time - do you know it?  It goes, "God our Father, God our Father, once again, once again, come and bless our table, come and bless our table, AMEN, you may eat!"  Do you know that song?  Do you sing that song at dinner time?  Sometimes my Papa prays instead.  My Granddaddy and Grandma sing a different song at dinner but I don't know that one. 

I had a good day in school.  I am reading a book about Jim and baseball.  Jim is this little kid but he plays baseball really good and helps his team with the game.  I love baseball!

Friday, January 13, 2012

I made it to Friday!

Mana says she can't believe it's finally Friday!  I love Friday - you know why?  Because that means I have two days I don't have to go to school!!  But you know what?!  I don't have to go to school for three days!  Monday I have the day off and so does Mary and Mana.  But Papa has to work!  Ha.  Ha.

I have a basketball game on Saturday at 12:00 again.  After my basketball game, I get to eat hotdogs every time.  Most of the time I take my hotdog home but I sit with my team for a little while while they eat.  

Did you know I have $60.00?!  I got money at Christmas from people and Mana is going to take me and open my own bank account where my Mana works!  I am rich!  Thank you everybody for my money.  I have lots of change money too.

 I like to do math problems with pennies!  It is lots of fun to count pennies and I get to write equations.  I do adding and take away right now.  I remember numbers pretty good.  I am learning to read too.  I didn't like coming home and reading with my Momma tonight though because I didn't want to do nothing.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

It's a Monday!

Hi everybody!  It was a Monday.  I was unhappy that I had to go to school.  I was unhappy that I didn't get no candy at the tractor place.  And I was unhappy that I couldn't go first thing this morning with my Momma to drop off Papa's chain saw.  Do you have days like that?  I don't like to wake up in the morning either!  And I don't want to eat no breakfast!

It's okay now.  I had mashed potatoes for dinner and broccoli and sloppy joes.  That's Papa's favorite - sloppy joes - but I don't think I'm gonna love them like Papa does.  I only had to eat half of my sloppy joe sandwich.  My Momma said I'm eating too much candy too. She said I can only have a little bit on Saturday and Sunday. 

I got home before Papa and Mana today and then I went to basketball practice.  We worked a long time on how to rebound.  Tonight, I weared my Panthers football jersey to practice basketball in.   Another night, I'm going to wear my basketball jersey from Grandpa and Gaga to practice in too.  Papa is signing me up to play T-ball again, and that starts in February as soon as my basketball games are over.  

Tomorrow night, I might get to go with Papa and Mana and Mary to Coleman's basketball game.  That will be fun!  I love basketball. 

I got mail again yesterday!  Gram and Granddad sended me a thank you card.  I love to get mail.  One time in the mail, I got this toilet paper roll thing.  Mana said it was for me but I think she was tricking me.  I got my cool National Geographic for Kids magazine too and I love the stories and games and puzzles in it. 

I've been coloring a lot.  Remember that spider man thing I got at Christmas from Gaga's house?  My Momma printed off a picture of me and I'm in the cartoon with Spider Man!  Me and Mana have been coloring the pictures.  It takes a REALLY LONG time!  Most of the time, I tell Mana what color to use, and she colors.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Normal stuff...

This is my first week back at school and Papa and Mana are proud of me because I don't cry anymore at school.  I have lots of friends there.  Do you know my friends' names?  I like Coleman and Jackson and Erin best.  We don't get to wrestle at school though.  They said no touching - it's the rule, okay?  I get to wrestle with Papa at home though and we wrestle a lot.  Did you know that I came home on Tuesday and fell asleep before we picked up Mana from work and then when we got home, I sleeped all that night and even missed dinner?!  I was so tired!  Yesterday I fell asleep on the way home with my Momma and today I got to ride in Mary's car and fell asleep in her car too!!  I'm not sick though.  I feel great!  

Mana was surprised how much dinner I ate last night.  She thinks I'm growing again.  My size 5 pants are tight on my waist but I don't like when Mana loosens the straps because then I think they will fall down.  Today I teared my school pants because I fell down in the parking lot.  It's okay though because Mana can fix it.  I have a teared in some other ones too.  Mana says that's okay too.  Papa buyed me more school pants size 6!  So, that's why it's okay.

I am wrestling with Mary right now and she screams really loud!  Mary got a new phone too and I played some games on the way home too.  It was a good day.  I like being at home.  I like taking pictures with Mary's phone too.  

Did you see the pictures Mana taked of me at Christmas time?  Sometimes I get grumpy when some people want to take my picture but not with Mana.  

I got to do homework now.  Mana telled me I have 5 minutes and then I have to start homework.  I love you - BYE!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Hello!  I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas!  I did and got lots of cool presents!  I got a football jersey with my daddy's number and his name on the back of it from Texas and a basketball jersey with number 1 on the front of it from Texas too.  My Grandpa and Gaga got them for me.  I got so much presents.  My presents are all over the house and it is in the living room, and my Papa's room, and on my dresser, and in the kitchen too.  

I went to the movies with my Grandpa and Gaga, and to the ice cream store with my Annie and Brandy and Austyn and did lots of things at their house when I got to visit this  last week.

Grandpa and Gaga brought me to see my Granddaddy and Faith and I had a good time there too.  Mana was there and me and Mana ride the train together back home.  I had pizza on the train and mac and cheese and soda and chips.  We were on the train for 9 hours!  Me and Mana did 'cheers' for the New Year (with gatorade).  

Today Papa took my training wheels off my bike and I practiced a little while with Papa and we tumbled on the ground together.  It was funny!

Tonight, Papa and me lighted a bunch of fireworks together.  It was really cool.  Now, I'm watching a movie with my Momma and Papa and Mary.