Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doctor Visits

Today I did not go to school.  I had a ear ache last night really bad.  So, that's why I didn't go to school today.  My momma took me to the doctor and I have swimmer's ear in one ear.  I can't go in the pool for a whole week and I got drops and have to wear a cotton ball in my ear.  Mana gave me medicine last night that helped me feel a little bit better.  Last night I made peanut butter cookies for Mana's work people.  They really liked them.  I can make you some too!  I put chocolate kisses on the top of the cookies.

I had to go to the dentist today too.  It was my first visit.  The Dentist looked at my teeth and cleaned my teeth and sprayed the water in my mouth and used a sucky thing to get the water back out.  I liked the dentist.  I got a new toothbrush and some stickers.  I have three cavities!  I have to get those fixed next time I go.  I got flossing sticks too.