Sunday, September 18, 2011

My cool weekend

Well you already know about the soccer game on Saturday.  In the afternoon, we plucked chickens and I held some of the guts.  It was weird.  Everybody had to help pluck the chickens and then we cleaned up the feathers and stuff.  It was cool to see what a chicken heart looks like.  Mana said my heart is as big as my fist.  Did you know that?

Today, I helped Papa and Mana in the garden.  We planted lots of broccoli plants and I took the little plants out of the cup and gave it to Mana.  Then, I helped Papa put down this white stuff (fertilizer) and then we turned on the sprinkler.  I want Papa to light my fireworks but Papa said it's too dry here - that means we didn't have no rain in a long, long time.

After that, I helped Papa split some wood and we made a little fire on the deck in this little fireplace thing.  I sat in a chair and ate corn on the cob and Papa let me put sticks and wood on the fire.  I know how to light mattresses (matches) too.  You take one out and strike it on the box.  But the rule is, I don't get to touch them unless an adult is with me.  I like doing that.

Tonight, Momma took me to see my friend Landan and her friend too.  I already finished my homework on Friday so I don't have any to do!