Friday, September 16, 2011

My Week At School

Hi everybody.  I have been having a hard time everyday going to school and I cry.  But Papa says it's okay, but it's not okay.  I don't want Papa to leave me at the school.

I have some friends at school and I met a boy named Jackson at my soccer practice last night.  Papa and Mana said I did really good at soccer and almost scored two points.

At school this week, I learned about the five senses.  Do you know what that is?  I'll tell you.  Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, and hands and feet to touch.  I figured it out that you can touch things with your toes too.  When I walk outside on the rocks, that's how I know my feet can touch stuff.

Tomorrow is my first soccer game and it's at 10:00.  It's not our turn to bring snack yet.  I am really excited about tomorrow.  Right now I am playing a football game with Mary.  

I practiced tying stuff and I'm getting pretty good at it.  Do you want to see?  Hey, guess what?!  Tomorrow I help take out the chickens feathers!  Papa has to kill some roosters because we have a lot of roosters (8) and so we get to take the feathers out - Mana says we have to pluck the chickens.  I get to wear some gloves too.  That's cool, right? 

Papa measured me tonight and I am 42 and 1/2 inches tall!  He said I growed two inches since April.  I'm getting big!