Friday, September 9, 2011

Me cleaning!

Did you see me cleaning the car window?  I wanted to help Papa do the window at the gas station so I told Papa I could be up on the car on my knees - so that's what we did!  I helped Papa pump the gas in the car every time!  I know how to put it in that gas tank and the buttons to push too!

I had a good day at school and it's Friday!  Guess what?!  Today I didn't cry in the morning when I went to school either so you know what that means?  That means I get these really cool Toothless (name of a dragon from How to Train Your Dragon movie) sunglasses.  Papa and I made a deal.  If I didn't cry for two days when I went to school I could get these cool glasses.  And I didn't cry and I wore my glasses on the way home today!  I'll ask Mana to take a picture so you can see what I look like.  I asked Mana to put them on and she looked so funny!  I don't look so funny in them - I look cool and I really love these glasses!

I am at home for two days.  I asked Mana to give me tying lessons - you know, where you learn to tie your shoes and stuff.  Mana said I will probably learn in two days!  I'll tell you next time what I did, okay?  

I love everybody!  Bye!